Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Language in the Byzantine Empire

Language in the Byzantine Empire Constantinople, the new capital that Emperor Constantine developed in the East in the early fourth century CE, lay in a largely Greek-speaking area of the Roman Empire. That doesnt mean that before the Fall of Rome the emperors headquartered and the people living there were native Greek speakers or, even if they were, incompetent Latin speakers. Both languages, Greek and Latin, were part of the repertoire of the educated. Until recently, those who considered themselves educated might be native English speakers but could piece out a short passage of Latin in their literary reading and get by speaking French. Peter and Catherine the Great ushered in an era where the politically important, the nobility of Russia, knew the French language and literature as well as Russian. It was similar in the ancient world. Greek Culture Greek literature and themes dominated Roman writing until the mid-third century B.C., which is about a century after Alexander the Great had started the spread of Hellenism including the Greek Koine language throughout the vast areas that he had conquered. Greek was the language Roman aristocrats demonstrated to show their culture. They imported Greek pedagogues to teach their young. The important rhetorician of the first century BCE, Quintilian, advocated education in Greek  since Roman children would naturally learn Latin on their own. (Inst. Oratoria i.12-14) From the second century CE, it became common for the wealthy to send their already Greek-speaking, but native-Latin-speaking Roman sons to Athens, Greece for higher education. Latin Gaining in Popularity Before the division of the Empire first into the four parts known as the Tetrarchy under Diocletian in 293 CE and then into two (simply an Eastern and a Western section), the second century CE Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius wrote his meditations in Greek, following the affectations popular with philosophers. By this time, however, in the West, Latin had gained a certain cachet. A bit later, a contemporary of Constantine, Ammianus Marcellinus (c. 330-395 CE), from Antioch, Syria, but living in Rome, wrote his history not in his familiar Greek, but in Latin. The first century CE Greek biographer Plutarch went to Rome to learn the language better. (p. 85 Ostler, citing Plutarch Demosthenes 2) The distribution was such that Latin was the language of the people to the west and north of a dividing line beyond Thrace, Macedonia, and Epirus down to northern Africa west of western Cyrenaica. In rural areas, the uneducated would not have been expected to know Greek, and if their native language were something other than Latin it might be Aramaic, Syriac, Coptic, or some other ancient tongue they might not even have known Latin well. Likewise on the other side of the dividing line, but with Greek and Latin reversed In the East, they probably knew Greek in rural areas, to the exclusion of Latin, but in urban areas, like Constantinople, Nicomedia, Smyrna, Antioch, Berytus, and Alexandria, most people needed to have some command of both Greek and Latin. Latin helped one advance in the imperial and military service, but otherwise, it was more a formality than a useful tongue, beginning at the start of the fifth century. Last of the Romans The so-called Last of the Romans, Constantinople-based Emperor Justinian (r. 527-565), who was an Illyrian by birth, was a native Latin speaker. Living about a century after the Edward Gibbon-driven date of 476 for the Fall of Rome, Justinian made efforts to regain sections of the West lost to European barbarians. (Barbarian was a term the Greeks had used to mean non-Greek speakers and which the Romans adapted to mean those who spoke neither Greek nor Latin.) Justinian may have been trying to retake the Western Empire, but he had challenges closer to home  since neither Constantinople nor the provinces of the Eastern Empire were secure. There were also the famous Nika riots and a plague (see Lives of the Caesars). By his time, Greek had become the official language of the surviving section of the Empire, the Eastern (or later, Byzantine) Empire. Justinian had to publish his famous law code, the Corpus Iuris Civile in both Greek and Latin. Greeks vs Romans This sometimes confuses people who think the use of the Greek language in Constantinople means the inhabitants thought of themselves as Greeks, rather than as Romans. Particularly when arguing for a post-5th-century date for the Fall of Rome, some counter that by the time the Eastern Empire stopped legally requiring Latin, the inhabitants thought of themselves as Greeks, not Romans. Ostler asserts that the Byzantines referred to their language as romaika (Romanish) and that this term was in use until the 19th century. In addition, the people were known as Rumi a term obviously much closer to Roman than Greek. We in the West might think of them as non-Romans, but that is another story. By the time of Justinian, Latin was not the common tongue of Constantinople, although it was still an official language. The Roman people of the city spoke a form of Greek, a Koine. Sources Chapter 8 Greek in the Byzantine Empire: The Major Issues Greek: A History of the Language and its Speakers, Second Edition, by Geoffrey Horrocks; Wiley:  © 2010.The Latin Language, by L. R. Palmer; University of Oklahoma Press: 1987.Ad Infinitum: A Biography of Latin, by Nicholas Ostler; Walker: 2007.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How to Start a Private School

How to Start a Private School Starting a private school is a lengthy and complicated process. Fortunately for you, plenty of folks have done the same thing you are thinking of doing. You will find much inspiration and practical advice from their examples. In fact, you will find it extremely useful browsing the history section of any established private schools website. Some of these stories will inspire you. Others will remind you that starting a school takes lots of time, money and support. Here is a timeline for the tasks involved with starting your own private school. Todays Private School Climate Below, important information is outlined to guide you through the process, however, its important to note that in todays economic climate, many private schools are struggling. The Atlantic reports that private k12 schools saw an almost 13% decline over the course of a decade (2000-2010). Why is this? The National Association of Independent Schools reports that the growth forecast for 2015-2020 is declining, with fewer school-aged children between the ages of 0-17. Fewer children mean fewer students to enroll.   The cost of private school, and especially boarding school, is also concerning. In fact, The Association of Boarding Schools (TABS) published a strategic plan for 2013-2017, in which it pledged to increase efforts to help schools identify and recruit qualified families in North America. This pledge led to the creation of  the North American Boarding Initiative to address the declining enrollment in private boarding schools. This passage is taken from their website: For various economic, demographic, political, and cultural reasons, the sector has faced serious enrollment challenges during distinct periods in its distinguished history, surviving the Great Depression, the specter of two World Wars, and the social turbulence of the 60s and 70s, among other disjunctions. Always, boarding schools have adapted: ending discriminatory policies and admitting students of different races and religions; adding day students; becoming coeducational; expanding philanthropy; investing aggressively in financial aid; modernizing curriculum, facilities, and student life; and recruiting internationally.Again, we face a serious enrollment challenge. Domestic boarding enrollment has declined gradually, yet consistently, for more than a dozen years. Its a trend that shows no sign of reversing itself. Moreover, multiple surveys have confirmed that a lions share of boarding school leaders identify domestic boarding as their most pressing strategic challenge. As a commu nity of schools, it is time once again to take decisive action. Considerations In todays day and age, it does warrant careful consideration and planning to determine if creating another private school in this already struggling market is appropriate. This assessment will vary greatly on a number of factors, including the strength of area schools, the number of and quality of competitor schools, geographic area, and needs of the community, among others.   For example, a rural town in the midwest without strong public school options may benefit from a private school. However, in an area like New England, which is already home to more than 150 independent schools, starting a new institution might not be quite as successful.   Identify Your Niche 36-24 months before opening: Determine what kind of school the local market needs. (K-8, 9-12, day, boarding, Montessori, etc.) Ask parents and teachers for their opinions. If you can afford it, hire a marketing company to do a survey. It will help you focus your efforts and ensure that youre making a sound business decision. Once you determine what kind of school you will be opening, then decide how many grades will actually open the school. Your long-range plans may call for a K-12 school, but it makes more sense to start small and grow solidly. Establish the primary division, then add the upper grades over time as your resources permit. Form a Committee 24 months: Form a small committee of talented supporters to begin the preliminary work. Include parents with financial, legal, management and building experience. Ask for and get a commitment of time and financial support from each member. This important planning work which will demand much time and energy. These people can become the core of your first board of directors. Co-opt additional paid talent, if you can afford it, to guide you through the various challenges, indeed, roadblocks, which will inevitably confront you. Incorporate 18 months: File incorporation papers with your Secretary of State. The lawyer on your committee should be able to handle this for you. There are costs associated with the filing, but he should donate his legal services to the cause. This is a critical step in your long-term fundraising. People will give money much more readily to a legal entity or institution as opposed to a person. If you have already decided to establish your own proprietary school, you will be on your own when it comes to raising money. Develop a Business Plan 18 months: Develop a business plan. This should be a blueprint of how the school is going to operate over its first five years. Always be conservative in your projections. Do not try to do everything in the first five years unless you have been lucky enough to find a donor to fund the program in its entirety. Develop a Budget 18 months: Develop a budget for 5 years. This is the detailed look at income and expenses. The financial person on your committee should be responsible for developing this critical document. As always project your assumptions conservatively and factor in some wriggle room should things go wrong. You need to develop two budgets: an operating budget and a capital budget. For example, a swimming pool or an arts facility would fall under the capital side, while planning for social security expenses would be an operating budget expense. Seek expert advice. Find a Home 20 months: Locate a facility to house the school or develop building plans if you will be creating your own facility from scratch. Your architect and contractor committee members should spearhead this assignment. Think carefully before you leap at acquiring that wonderful old mansion or vacant office space. Schools require good locations for many reasons, not the least of which is safety. Older buildings can be money pits. Investigate modular buildings which will be greener as well. Tax-Exempt Status 16 months: Apply for tax-exempt 501(c)(3) status from the IRS. Again, your lawyer can handle this application. Submit it as early in the process as you can so that you can begin to solicit tax-deductible contributions. People and businesses will definitely look at your fundraising efforts much more favorably if you are a recognized tax-exempt organization.Tax-exempt status might also help with local taxes as well, though I do recommend your paying local taxes whenever or wherever possible, as a gesture of goodwill. Choose Key Staff Members 16 months: Identify your Head of School and your Business Manager. Conduct your search as widely as possible. Write job descriptions for these and all your staff and faculty positions. You will be looking for self-starters who enjoy building something from scratch. Once IRS approvals are in place, hire the head and the business manager. They need the stability and focus of a steady job to get your school open. You need their expertise to ensure an opening on time. Solicit Contributions 14 months: Secure your initial funding - donors and subscriptions. You will need to plan your campaign carefully so that you can build momentum, yet are able to keep pace with actual funding needs. Appoint a dynamic leader from your planning group to ensure the success of these initial efforts. Bake sales and car washes are not going to yield the large amount of capital which you will need. Well-planned appeals to foundations and local philanthropists will pay off. If you can afford it, hire a professional to help you write proposals and identify donors. Identify Your Faculty Requirements 14 months: It is critical to attract skilled faculty. Do so by agreeing to competitive compensation. Sell them on the vision of your new school. The chance to shape something is always appealing. While it is still over a year until you open, line up as many faculty members as you can. Do not leave this important job until the last minute. An agency such as Carney, Sandoe Associates will be helpful at this stage in finding and vetting teachers for you. Spread the Word 14 months: Advertise for students. Promote the new school through service club presentations and other community groups. Design a website and set up a mailing list to keep interested parents and donors in touch with your progress. Marketing your school is something which has to be done consistently, appropriately and effectively. If you can afford it, hire an expert to get this important job done. Open for Business 9 months: Open the school office and begin admissions interviews and tours of your facilities. January before a fall opening is the latest you can do this. Ordering instructional materials, planning curricula and devising a master timetable are just some of the tasks your professionals will have to attend to. Orient and Train Your Faculty 1 month: Have faculty in place to get the school ready for opening. The first year at a new school requires endless meetings and planning sessions for the academic staff. Get your teachers on the job no later than August 1 in order to be prepared for opening day. Depending on how lucky you are at attracting qualified teachers, you may have your hands full with this aspect of the project. Take the time needed to sell your new teachers on the schools vision. They need to buy into it, or else their negative attitudes could create a host of problems. Opening Day Make this a soft opening at which you welcome your students and any interested parents at a brief assembly. Then off to classes. Teaching is what your school will be known for. It needs to begin promptly on Day 1. The formal opening ceremonies should be a festive occasion. Schedule it for a few weeks after the soft opening. Faculty and students will have sorted themselves out by then. A feeling of community will be apparent. The public impression which your new school will make will be a positive one. Invite local, regional and state leaders. Stay Informed Join national and state private school associations. You will find incomparable resources. The networking opportunities for you and your staff are virtually limitless. Plan on attending association conferences in year 1 so that your school is visible. That will ensure plenty of applications for vacant positions in the following academic year. Tips Be conservative in your projections of revenues and expenses even if you have an angel who is paying for everything.Make sure real estate agents are aware of the new school. Families moving into the community always ask about schools. Arrange open houses and gatherings to promote your new school.Submit your schools website to sites like this one so that parents and teachers can become aware of its existence.Always plan your facilities with growth and expansion in mind. Be sure to keep them green as well. A sustainable school will last many years. One which is planned without any consideration of sustainability will fail eventually.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Engineering Management Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Engineering Management Project - Research Paper Example This essay stresses that the mission statement would be to continuously progression through dedication and innovation to the achievement of excellence. The second coffee is committed to delivering the best coffee experience. Based on these vision and mission statement the possibilities of success of the coffee are high. This paper declares that post establishment success would be governed by the way the coffee shop management is involved in the decision making. Decision making is very essential as a wrong decision would result in a poor reflection of the coffee shop management. The success of the decision-making process would be governed by a proper decision-making process. The decision-making process would first begin by identifying the underlying problem. For instance, the coffee shop may be faced with a problem of retaining its customers. Therefore, a decision would require to be made to correct this problem. Vital to note is that decisions are not made randomly, they occur as a result of trying to address a particular problem. Once such a problem is identified the management would, therefore, be required to gather information. Information gathering may be through the use of questionnaires and interview process. The Delphi technique is a method that would be recommended in the coffees shop in the gathering of information from respondents in the field of expertise. This technique is used as a group communication whereby the parties try to get convergence in their opinions regarding a real world problem and issue.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

To what extent can human resource policies and practices promote Essay

To what extent can human resource policies and practices promote gender equality - Essay Example the representation of women in management positions in firms across Europe reveals that gender equality is still a problem for businesses of all sizes. Moreover, it seems that the number of women in lower and middle management positions is gradually increased, in opposition with the top management positions, which are likely to be occupied by man (Stahl and Bjorkman 2006, p.506-507). In 2002, the percentage of firms that employ only men at lower and middle management positions was estimated to 44%, decreased from 1996 when the above percentage was 50% (European Business Survey 2002, in Stahl and Bjorkman 2006, p.506). The figures presented above denote the ineffectiveness of HRM to secure gender equality. At the next level, Stahl and Bjorkman (2006) note that the level at which HRM policies focus on gender equality is often depended on ‘the level at which women are represented in HRM’ (Stahl and Bjorkman 2006, p.507). In other words, in firms where the number of women wo rking in the HRM department is high, the promotion of gender equality is expected to be more intensive compared to firms that tend to employ men in their HRM department. In this context, HRM policies are likely to emphasize on gender equality mostly when female HR managers plan them, a fact that reveals the inability of modern firms to secure equality in the workplace. The potential use of HR policies for promoting gender equality is highlighted in the study of Durai (2010). Reference is made specifically to Infosys, a global firm in the area of IT consulting. The particular firm has promoted gender equality through an appropriately customized network, the Women Inclusivity Network, which ‘secures gender equality by mentoring women employees to take up challenging working assignments’ (Durai... Gender equality is still an important problem for organizations worldwide. The development of initiatives by the states and by international organizations, such as the United Nations, has helped towards the limitation of the problem. Still, the success of firms worldwide in promoting gender equality is rather low. The literature presented above has revealed that firms can choose among different policies for promoting gender equality. In this context, it would be expected that phenomena of gender equality in the workplace would be limited, a fact that has not been verified. The ‘Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)’ (Rao et al 2009, p.7) seems to be the key text initiating the elimination of inequality in the workplace. However, in practice, the promotion of gender equality in the workplace is often problematic, as explained above, mostly because the relevant initiatives are not adequately supported, at least not as other orga nizational plans. The need for the active support of these initiatives by the state is quite clear.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Interpersonal Communication Through URT Essay Example for Free

Interpersonal Communication Through URT Essay Everyday we encounter people unknown to us. There are times when we are totally no interested in meeting and introducing ourselves to them. In certain situations we are forced or are voluntarily placing ourselves within there area of consciousness, like in a class or in our office, we disclose information about ourselves in order for a complacent relationship to transpire. This new connection will either grow or dissipate based on the disclosed information. Researchers say that interpersonal communication occurs only between two people who have known each other for quite some time (Borchers). This can be attributed to the contextual factors, such as psychological, relational and cultural, present in interpersonal discourses. The attainment of these factors signify that the two people conversing already know well of each other (King, 2000). At first, when we are asked by our late seatmate at first day of school who our professor is, or when we ask our office secretary who to call to fix a down network system, the interaction that occurs implies only an impersonal exchange between two people who ask for information because of external needs and is most likely to end that same moment. When you answer the above questions with â€Å"hes the head of the department, we live in the same neighborhood† or â€Å"i know a little on systems troubleshooting but it isnt my job, ill call one immediately,† the interaction introduces information related to the speaker and are affective to the receiver. This exchange becomes personal and may give way to a more gratifying relationship through following disclosures. These disclosures in turn reduces uncertainty, a considerably large blockage to a desirable relationship. Berger and Calabrese uncertainty reduction theory in 1975 presents steps on how we can achieve a fully ineractive personal relationship with other people. This theory explains why people tend to be information seekers and reduce the unpleasant effects of uncertainty in an introductory conversation and in the whole attainment of a relationship (Oregon State University). The theory discusses three stages of disclosure in interpersonal development. These stages are entry, personal, and exit (University of Twente). The interaction given above can be considered within the entry stage. By giving information on where you live or what your skills are(demographic), the receiver obtains also some point of conformity or agreement that sparks an interest for a relationship. Eventually we reveal our values, attitudes, and beliefs and we are taken now taken to the personal stage of disclosure. These somewhat â€Å"deeper† information suggest the existence of a relationship between two people. The exit stage relates to discourses on the shared values, beliefs, and attitudes which lead to actions or decisions where both interests are unified. Since interpersonal communication is based on two interrelated peoples discourses, this not specified only on verbal exchange, uncertainty reduction theory is an effective tool in determining interpersonal relationships and communications. By focusing on the information exchanged by two individuals we can predict the stage of their relationship – whether on entry, personal, or exit stage. Certainly, the information shared will not be as substantial in terms of personal relevance necessary for the attainment of interpersonal communication. Given the difficulty of initiating contact and conversation aimed at establishing a relationship, we are most likely to shy away and be frightened. If this happens, proceeding conversations are terminated. One basic method in squeezing out information from another person is to reveal your own personal information. Self-disclosure gives way to information not normally revealed through ordinary conversations. It requires an initiative to know and be known. Also, it is a way to know how the other people react and determine the topics under their interests. Furthermore, the voluntarily disclosure of personal information gives an impression of the willingness of a person in entering a relationship. In uncertainty reduction theory, self disclousre acts as the most effective way in removing the barriers of mistrust and non-complacency. By analyzing the information you reveal, one notices your values, beliefs, and emotional and moral tendecies accompanying your disclosures. These are considered to be a pattern for compatibility looked after by uncertain people. The situation above is common to almost everyone, given that the educated still dominate in number those who havent been to school or had work. I have experienced introducing myself to someone I am interested to. Most of the time I am replied with suspicion and mistrust which make me feel in need of proving myself. By self-disclosure I get their attention and know further what interests them and on fortunate times they react with personal disclosures too. Eventually the barrier of uncertainty dissipates and we are now getting ready for a more personal relationship. By reducing uncertainty we increase trust, thus more information is exchanged. Uncertainty reduction theory explains the systematic yet unsure disclosures toward interpersonal communication. Through complete understanding of the three concepts, uncertainty reduction, disclosure, and interpersonal communication, we can attain desirable relationships that can outlast time itself. References: Uncertainty Reduction Theory. 2006. Oregon State University. Retrieved 2 April 2008. http://oregonstate. edu/instruct/theory/ur.html King, Donnell. (2000). Four Principles of Interpersonal Communication. Pellissippi State Technical Community College. Retrieved 2 April 2008. http://www. pstcc. edu/ facstaff/dking/interpr. htm Borchers, Tim. (1999) Interpersonal Communication. Allyn Bacon. Retrieved 2 April 2008. http://www. abacon. com/commstudies/interpersonal/interpersonal. html Uncertainty Reduction Theory. 2004. University of Twente. Retrieved 2 April 2008. http://www. tcw. utwente. nl/theorieenoverzicht/Theory%20clusters/Interpersonal

Friday, November 15, 2019

Environmental Ethics Essay -- Ethics Philosophy Global Warming Climate

"At the current rate, we're headed for and environmental disaster," many say, but how much truth does that statement hold. Have humans really destroyed, pillaged, and polluted enough to cause a serious, wide scale, disaster? If not, then can we continue on without changing, and not learn from our mistakes? If so, then can we do anything today that will bring about a tomorrow available to us? All of these questions hold great pertinence for our current situation. Humans don't exactly hold the best track record for environmental protection and preservation. Throughout time we have exploited nature and its creatures for our own benefit. We have made technological advances that threaten and disrupt the environment with total disregard for that fact. We took slipshod short cuts that are now catching up to us today, and we can think of no available alternatives that will remedy the problem quickly and usefully. We have developed a huge and thriving society; and in the process we deforest huge sections of land for living and livestock grazing. This decreases oxygen and increases carbon dioxide in the atmosphere; possibly adding to global warming though the greenhouse effect. This mass population produces mass amounts of waste, so to deal with that we just throw it into the ground, which in turn contaminates our water supply and contributes to further deforestation. We develop motorized transportation; and then burn non-renewable fossil fuels that put lead, carbon monoxide, sulfur and nitrogen oxides, ozone, excess carbon dioxide, and other harmful particulates into the atmosphere (Skjel & Whorton 95-108). This produces dangers like smog and cancer and contributes to global warming. In the production of fuel we exhaust o... ...the environment, but how badly we?ve endangered ourselves. The environment is not possibly headed towards disaster, we are. Works Cited * American Chemical Society. Chemistry in Context. New York: Primis Custom Publishing, 2000. * Crichton, Michael. Jurassic Park. New York: Baltine Books, 1990. * ---. The Lost World. New York: Alfred A. Knoff, Inc., 1995. * Curran, Roger and Lawrence Haw. Environmental Issues in the 21st Century. 2001: * Michaels, Patricia A. Environmental Philosophy: Good for the wallet, Good for the Soul, Good for Nothing. * Singer, Peter. Practical Ethics. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996. * Skjei, Eric and M. Donald Whorton. Of Mice & Molecules. New York: The Dial Press, 1983.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Why We Use Stereotypes

Why stereotypes? Why can’t we just be judged by our own individuality and not based on someone else’s? Stereotypes basically give people untrue â€Å"facts† about different ethnic groups and their certain characteristics and behaviors. So in this essay I’m going to have to set things straight. I’ll define what stereotypes are, why do people use stereotypes and who/how does it usually affect people. Stereotypes are exaggerated or distorted beliefs or images about a person or group of people. They assume that everyone in the group have the same characteristics leading them to believe that they are all alike.No one is born believing in stereotypes, they are usually learned from the media (TV, radio, etc), parents, peers, and etc. Even when a stereotype is positive it affects the mind so much that there is no room for a person to show their individuality or how different they can be. Many people use stereotypes because it’s hard for them to take in all this complicated information about other people in the world. People find it difficult to spend the necessary amount of time learning to understand why or what different ways people behave.So then due to that we start accepting stereotypes because their easier for us to understand. Stereotypes affect people all over the world. There isn’t one group of people that isn’t affected by stereotypes (due to the fact that everyone is basically different from us). The effect that stereotypes take is that it eliminates the challenges of us getting to know and understand people who are different from us. They don’t allow people to be considered different. They give us a general overview of whole groups of people so we know what to expect and how to act when they’re seen.Also when we have problems with someone of a different group, we usually identify the problem as it having to be associated the group rather than the specific person. So the do impact us on ho w we think, and feel. Stereotypes also make us very judgmental about others and unfortunately they frequently do. Stereotypes make us believe that someone (or that group of people) did something to us, rather than the problem, fear, or rigidity/closed thinking we have within ourselves. Stereotypes have left a big effect on us. We can’t be seen as different with them around so we must try to eliminate them.We need to actually take the time to get to know people instead of accepting stereotypes just because their easier. Everyone is different, so you can’t just look at someone and think this is how they act based on what’s said about the group in general. Get to understand people based on their individuality not what you hear. Though no one is born believe in stereotypes they are usually learned from the media (which usually impacts us anyways). So in conclusion stereotypes are not what’s best to be used and are basically false.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

A change Essay

The quote â€Å"Be the change you wish to see in the world† bu Mahatma Gandhi means that if you want to turn the world into a better place, you need to start by turning yourself into a better you. For me, this quotes it’s true by several reason. You need to be an example, by this I mean that if you want to see a transformation, you need to act as you wish others to act so you can start a change, no matter how big or small it is. Gandhi is telling us that a personal and a social transformation can become viral and affect other people’s lifes in a good way. So by this he suggest that a personal transformation can become something greatter. A perfect example is the wise Gandhi because he used his personality and his thoughts of nonviolence to change the world. In order to bring a positive change into the world we need to engage to the outer worl but also with ourself, we need to cultivate ove and peace in our day by day life, so that love and peace can grow and beco me contagiuose. The quote â€Å"Be the change you wish to see in the world† bu Mahatma Gandhi means that if you want to turn the world into a better place, you need to start by turning yourself into a better you. For me, this quotes it’s true by several reason. You need to be an example, by this I mean that if you want to see a transformation, you need to act as you wish others to act so you can start a change, no matter how big or small it is. Gandhi is telling us that a personal and a social transformation can become viral and affect other people’s lifes in a good way. So by this he suggest that a personal transformation can become something greatter. A perfect example is the wise Gandhi because he used his personality and his thoughts of nonviolence to change the world. In order to bring a positive change into the world we need to engage to the outer worl but also with ourself, we need to cultivate ove and peace in our day by day life, so that love and peace can grow and beco me contagiuose. The quote â€Å"Be the change you wish to see in the world† bu Mahatma Gandhi means that if you want to turn the world into a better place, you need to start by turning yourself into a better you. For me, this quotes it’s true by several reason. You need to be an example, by this I mean that if you want to see a transformation, you need  to act as you wish others to act so you can start a change, no matter how big or small it is. Gandhi is telling us that a personal and a social transformation can become viral and affect other people’s lifes in a good way. So by this he suggest that a personal transformation can become something greatter. A perfect example is the wise Gandhi because he used his personality and his thoughts of nonviolence to change the world. In order to bring a positive change into the world we need to engage to the outer worl but also with ourself, we need to cultivate ove and peace in our day by day life, so that love and peace can grow and become contagiuose. The quote â€Å"Be the change you wish to see in the world† bu Mahatma Gandhi means that if you want to turn the world into a better place, you need to start by turning yourself into a better you. For me, this quotes it’s true by several reason. You need to be an example, by this I mean that if you want to see a transformation, you need to act as you wish others to act so you can start a change, no matter how big or small it is. Gandhi is telling us that a personal and a social transformation can become viral and affect other people’s lifes in a good way. So by this he suggest that a personal transformation can become something greatter. A perfect example is the wise Gandhi because he used his personality and his thoughts of nonviolence to change the world. In order to bring a positive change into the world we need to engage to the outer worl but also with ourself, we need to cultivate ove and peace in our day by day life, so that love and peace can grow and become contagiuose. The quote â€Å"Be the change you wish to see in the world† bu Mahatma Gandhi means that if you want to turn the world into a better place, you need to start by turning yourself into a better you. For me, this quotes it’s true by several reason. You need to be an example, by this I mean that if you want to see a transformation, you need to act as you wish others to act so you can start a change, no matter how big or small it is. Gandhi is telling us that a personal and a social transformation can become viral and affect other people’s lifes in a good way. So by this he suggest that a personal transformation can become something greatter. A perfect example is the wise Gandhi because he used his personality and his thoughts of nonviolence to change the world. In order to bring a positive change into the world we need to engage to the outer worl but also with ourself, we need to cultivate ove and peace in our day by day life, so that love and peace  can grow and become contagiuose.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Technical and Economic Problems in Crane Factories

The Technical and Economic Problems in Crane Factories Introduction Today the technological advancement is forcing most companies to consider implementation of strong specifications to remain competitive. It is not wise for a new enterprising company to continue producing slow cranes of limited capacities while the competitors keep high standard overhead cranes.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Technical and Economic Problems in Crane Factories specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The cranes manufacturing industries are under the strain to produce more sophisticated, and cranes that can restrain higher stresses due to the advancement over the building structures. The new overhead designs of the cranes, such as boosted load capacity, remain to be the best policies over the high maintenance costs and excessive performance time. Every buyer wants a machine that performs on increased capacities and at higher frequencies compared to earlier designs or structures. Modernization of the structures today calls for technological advancement for the cranes. The structures utilize the track-mounted cranes, which work concurrently in as first as possible sequence without fluctuating on the tracks. One real-world combinatorial problem entails the procedure of planning for the crane to follow the manufacturing schedule. Some companies have advanced designing structures that allow quick and synchronized manufacture but they still face the challenge of assigning tasks and ordering the tasks to avoid interference. The smaller companies face the problem of scheduling the tasks to overcome constrains and minimize the completion time. The crane factory also faces many human resource issues. Like other high-standard companies, to meet up the challenge of having high quality standard prospective employees, some web-based technology such as timesheet management software or time-off systems are important programs to adopt. (â€Å"Tips,† 2006, 7).Advertising L ooking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More These are important new programs for reducing the waste and cost. Similar new companies have implemented the web-based research technologies to recruit applicants, offer online human resource deliveries, support collection process that is more efficient in distribution and exchange of data. Most companies face the challenge of meeting demand. They fail to meet customers’ requirements because of poor marketing procedures. The recent marketing trends of globalization and outsourced production require the business especially new ones to hire marketing experts to manage the complexity involved between buyers and sellers, navigate various cultural differences and travel to find orders and ensure deliveries. (Monczka et al, 2008, 111) In the address of the general challenges facing the manufacturing industries, the main areas requiring immediate redres s include the lack of proper focus by the governments in ensuring global competitiveness. A good governing system enables manufactures to be in a position of meeting competitive authenticity. Ability to foster strong economic growth, calls for government-sponsored economy. The economy is set on track by monetary and fiscal policies. The manufacturing costs of big machinery like the cranes are lower when the government regulate and reduces some subsidiaries in the aim of creating an economical environment favouring investment. The aim of the manufactures is to produce improved products at lowest costs possible. (Monczka et al, 2008, 111) They ought to be in control of the costs. The future of the manufacturing industries depends on the technological leadership. It pays significantly to invest in technology. The future of these industries depends on the evolving nature of the education system. The workforce ought to entail individuals with high skills of problem solving. These abiliti es need continuously sharpening of skills and knowledge as the technology advances. The government face the challenge of investing in the education to produce competent scientists and educators. Finally yet importantly, the international and monitory policies play an eminent role in ensuring the global competitiveness. Free, open and fairness provides an internationally levelled ground for fair competition especially in the machinery manufacturing industries.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Technical and Economic Problems in Crane Factories specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In a close link to Monczka et al, (2008, 111) all parties involved only minimize the barriers of global manufacture and trade for the small and large industries through their will of promoting economical growth. Monczka, Robert. M., Handfield, Robert. B. and Larry, Giunipero. â€Å"Purchasing and  Supply Chain Management† Manson, OH. Cengage Learning Publishers. 2008. P. 111. Pp 810 Tips on Using Technology to Streamline Payroll Processes – and Cut Costs (2006). Payroll Managers Report, 6(10), 1-9. Retrieved from   EBSCOhost Database

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

7th Grade Science Fair Projects

7th Grade Science Fair Projects Seventh grade and middle school, in general, are a big time for science fairs because its a wonderful educational level for students to come up with ideas to explore using the scientific method and ways to investigate their questions. Parents and teachers still provide direction, especially helping students devise manageable experiments and appropriate work technology to present their results. However, the actual experiment should be done by the 7th grader. The student should record data and analyze it to determine whether or not the hypothesis is supported. Here are some ideas appropriate for the 7th-grade level. 7th Grade Science Project Ideas and Questions Use a prism to show the spectrum of visible light on a sheet of paper. Mark the endpoints, which is how far into infrared and ultraviolet you can see. Compare your visual range with that of other family members or other students. Is there a difference in range between genders? Do family members have a similar range? See if you can draw any conclusions ​using the scientific method.Composting is a great way to reduce waste and recycle nutrients, yet some household products and foods are contaminated with heavy metals and organic chemicals. Devise a test to measure one of these chemicals and compare the concentration in compost versus that in the ordinary soil in your yard.Houseplants can absorb and detoxify indoor pollution. Do research to identify which houseplants are best at cleaning the air in a home, office, or classroom. Now, take the project to the next level and determine which plants are most practical, affordable, and useful. Make a chart of the chemicals the plants cl ean, whether the plants are toxic to children and pets, whether they can live in low-light conditions or require bright light or special care, how much the plants costs, and whether they are readily available. Which brand of ibuprofen (or the student could test another type of pain reliever) dissolves the most quickly?Does the pH of juice change over time?Insects can sense light and dark. Can they still see light if its only red or blue, etc.?How well does a football helmet really protect against impact? You could use a skating helmet or any other protective gear, depending on what you have available.How does the concentration of chlorine in water affect the rate or percentage of seed germination?What is the effect of watering schedules on the germination (or growth rate) of seeds from a certain plant?How does the presence of a given medication in water affect the survivability of Daphnia?Does the presence of de-icer salt affect the movement behavior of earthworms?Does the bounciness of a golf ball relate to its ability to be hit long-distance?Does the species wood affect the rate at which it burns? Its heat output?Does the mass of a baseball bat relate to the distance the baseball travels ? Is the paper towel brand that absorbs the most water the same as the brand that absorbs the most oil?

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Retailers Extensions or New Format based upon changing Consumers and Assignment

Retailers Extensions or New Format based upon changing Consumers and Markets - Assignment Example My document examines effects of demographic shifts on consumption patterns. In addition, it highlights effects of changing consumer behavior on the performance off-price retailers and the marketing function numerous sources have revealed that demographic shifts pose significant impacts on the production, distribution, and individual consumer behavior. Significantly, demographic factors play a critical role in marketing. For instance, demographic trends can forecast change in the commodity demand. In addition, demographic variables influence profoundly on brand choice. Examples of off-price retailers include; the TJX companies, Ross Stores, and Big lots. These retail stores sell clothing and its accessories from major brands at relative discount. They take advantage of surplus and cancelled orders. In addition, they speculate on the mistakes made by counter parts in the full-price sector. Consequently, due to the increasing aging population, the declining middle class, and the high po pulation of working women, it implies that there numerous surplus in the markets. In response, there off-price retailers are able to purchaser commodities in large quantities. Additionally, since they get the commodities at considerable discounts, they sell the commodities at relative cheap prices. Symbolically the consumers are able to multiply their savings significantly; due to their friendly prices, the off-price retailers retain more customers than the full-price retailers. As a matter of reciprocation, there is a considerable change in the customer behavior. Accordingly, if the above trend in the demographic composition remains, the off-price retailers would be better positioned. Additionally, they make supernormal profits due to the large commodity margins. However, this demographic trend may influence negatively on the off-price retailers. For instance, due to the existence of online off-price retailers such as the Overstock Company and the Bluefly Company, the off-price ret ailers may not enjoy the said supernormal profits. Actually, e-commerce enables companies to offer enormous discounts on various commodities such jewelry and kitchen products. In addition, the bluefly companies offer numerous brands at discounted prices. Consequently, the consumers may decide to get goods through online despite the cheap prices offered by the normal off-price retailers. Generally, the full-price retailers stand better positions because they are immune such market uncertainties. Sources have revealed that, the current changing demographics coupled with consumer spending strategies, and the emerging numerous stores, have created a new retail environment. Additionally, new retail concepts have brought significant competition in retail trade influenced by the rapidly changing consumer demand. Moreover, the competition has intensified widely thus affecting both full-price retailers and off-price retailers because they are trying to maintain their share in the market (Car r, Babin, & Zikmund, 2012). In fact, there is the need for retailers to device appropriate strategies in order to reinvent themselves. For instance, they can ensure that they offer convenience, assortment, and value. In addition, some retail stores

Friday, November 1, 2019

Buddhism Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Buddhism - Annotated Bibliography Example In addition, Buddha’s do not believe that in life there is something like fate and urges that human beings are the drivers of their own lives whereby, every human being has the capacity and ability to liberate themselves from any suffering that one might be going through. The nature of self entails the act of awareness or having some consciousness. However, the nature of the self is not specific to awareness of any kind but it tends to be very general. The nature of the self may involve certain things such: feelings, imagination, intuition, memory, thoughts to mention just but a few. This means that the preposition of awareness may not properly define the content of the nature of the self because awareness tends to have some limitation. In addition, the nature of the self is not limited to anything just the same way that human being have unlimited desire in life. For example, human being are never satisfied with what they have, they always want to work hard to earn more money to meet their unlimited desires, in the same way that the nature of the self is not limited to consciousness or awareness as discussed. The main aim of self is the realization of individual personal identity. The Sri Raman asserted that the nature of self entails a fabrication o f mind whereby, self awareness may involve realization of oneself . Philosophers Aristotle and Plato tried to substantiate whether the soul, minds and the body are separable from each other and whether the soul is immortal upon human death. Whereby, Aristotle assertions supported the eastern religion of Buddhism that the nature of the self as an activity and that self exist within human being but it is separable from the human body. Aristotle added that self when a person dies, both the body and the self perish. He further substantiated his assertion using a knife as an example. The knife was considered as the body that has a soul whereby,