Saturday, August 31, 2019

Sustainability Of The Salton Sea Environmental Sciences Essay

An iconic characteristic in the California desert, the Salton Sea stands as a testament to the human component. What started as a manmade catastrophe has become an built-in portion of the local and planetary ecosystems prolonging marine life and supplying a much needed halt along the Pacific Flyway. During the 1950 ‘s and 60 ‘s the Salton Sea was considered the California Riviera as its shores were filled with diversion departers and famous persons. However, the Salton Sea is no longer the desert Eden it one time was. In fact in many ways it is going a liability. The increasing salt, along with the unsustainable influxs of H2O has forced hard inquiries be answered. The Southern Cross of the treatment is what should be done with the Salton Sea? While some believe the Sea should be left to nature, other believe the Sea needs to be sustained and restored. In 2003 California passed SB 277 The Salton Sea Restoration Act, which is average to reconstruct the Salton Sea utilizing the best option. While this sounds ideal, there are many complex issues confronting the Sea, many of which have significant economic branchings. However, a Restoration program is afoot which will turn to the major issues, offering a gleam of hope for an ecosystem seesawing on the border of prostration. Introduction Sparkling in the California desert the Salton Sea stands as a testament to the human component. What started as a manmade catastrophe has become an built-in portion of the local ecosystem, prolonging marine life and supplying a much needed halt along the Pacific migration route. However, since its creative activity this resource has developed into a challenge, one that concerns many yet is thought of by few. Proposals have run the spectrum from making nil to making an inland sea portion via canal to the Gulf of California. Recently statute law was passed to officially reply the inquiries environing the Sea. This policy analysis will concentrate on one peculiar piece of statute law, SB 277, the Salton Sea Restoration Act of 2003, and will consistently analyze SB 277 ‘s successes, failures, and interactions. Like all issues, the fortunes environing the Salton Sea are really complex, and rely to a great extent on understanding the challenges, history and significance. History Surface H2O, in the Imperial Valley is non a recent happening. During prehistoric times, the Gulf of California extended up to the present Coachella Valley. It is believed that over clip silt sedimentations from the Colorado River easy formed a fen insulating a northern inland sea. Finally this sea evaporated go forthing behind a huge salt sedimentation and uncovering the Salton Sink. It is farther believed that since so, the Colorado River has changed class many times make fulling the Salton Sink with H2O and deposit. This rhythm of deluging resulted in the lift of the vale floor along with the deposition of fertile dirt. While there is important grounds of river oscillation and prehistoric seas and lakes, western history has little documented firsthand histories about an inland sea ( MacDougal, 1917, p. 458 ) . Alternatively, most records report an inhospitable desert ; one that holds the psyche of adult male and animal ( Kennan, 1917, p. 13 ) seeking for an alternate path to the California gold Fieldss. And while many of these travellers saw the Imperial Valley as a barren, some saw great agricultural potency. At the bend of century a great irrigation undertaking was planned and implemented amusing H2O from the Colorado River for usage in the Imperial Valley. It was an ambitious program that looked to payout large for the parties involved. There was nevertheless one issue that was non accounted for, silt. Once in the canal system the suspended silt settled, doing obstructors and cut downing volume. Many thoughts were tried to take the silt, nevertheless none proved deserving while. It was determined that the lone manner more H2O could be delivered was by making another recreation point on the Colorado River. After analyzing the river ‘s way, rainfall and flows a new headgate was installed and completed in 1905. However, this would turn out to be an exceeding twelvemonth as rainfall reached 26.6 inches, as apposed to the historic norm of 8-10 inches ( Henry, 1907, p. 245 ) . Soon the river had breached the new headgate deviating the full Colorado River into the Salton Sink for a period of about two old ages. After incorporating the Colorado River the largest lake in California had been crated stretching over 35 stat mis in length. This catastrophe displaced occupants and destroyed harvests, but one time the dust settled a hoarded wealth was revealed. As the Imperial Valley grew the Salton Sea became an built-in portion of the vale and Southern California. In 1924 President Coolidge designated the Salton Sea as a lasting drainage reservoir, which was followed in 1930 by the appellation of wildlife safety ( â€Å" Awash in History † , 2002 ) . During World War II the Sea was used as a bombing country every bit good as an alternate commercial fishing country for coastal fishermen who were worried about German pigboats ( â€Å" Salton Sea Authority † , n.d. ) . After WWII the Salton Sea became a recreational Eden in the desert offering changeless sunlight, warm H2O, unfastened infinite, and exceeding athletics fishing. During the 1950 ‘s the Salton Sea contained Covina, Sargo, and Croaker which provided diversion for people and nutrient for wildlife. The Salton Sea was genuinely a gem in the desert ; and times were good as developers built commercial and residential constructions ( Pearce, 2003, p. 48 ) . However, this aureate age would be short lived as inundations and environmental concerns damaged belongings and drove visitants off. Eventually building stopped, towns were abandoned, and wildlife started to decease. Problem It is understood that the Salton Sea is in problem. Salinity is steadily lifting, wildlife emphasis has increased, alimentary tonss are exceptionally high, desire to deviate inflow H2O to other countries is turning, and in 2018 influx will significantly diminish under the Quantification Settlement Agreement ( QSA ) ( which will chiefly be funded through fees on the transportation of H2O between the parties involved in the QSA. The cost to the province has yet to be determined, pending the study to be prepared by the Department of Food and Agriculture ) . While these facts are unchallenged, a solution has yet to be implemented. And with the deadline nearing the urgency for action has increased, coercing replies to hard and alone inquiries environing the Salton Sea. Yet even with extended surveies, consensus remains hard. The graph below illustrates the salt of the Salton Sea. In 2017 with the recreation of H2O salt is expected to quickly increase, which will ensue in the disappearing of fish, and drastically change the Salton Sea ‘s ecosystem. Geography The properties that created the Salton Sea are the same 1s that have caused its debasement. The Salton Sea sits on a big salt sedimentation in a basin with a surface degree of about 230 pess below sea degree ( â€Å" Journal of Geography † , 2009 ) . This means that unlike most lakes which have an escape, the Salton Sea merely has influx. As a consequence all of the compounds come ining the lake remain after vaporization, which is about 5 pess a twelvemonth. Besides unlike the lakes which had antecedently been in the Salton Sink, the present Salton Sea is fed by manmade beginnings the bulk being agricultural overflow, which has unnaturally prolonged the life of the Sea. The Salton Sea besides sits atop the San Andreas Fault, and is surrounded by geothermic activity. Significance to Southern California Beyond the geology and geographics, the Salton Sea plays a important function in the planetary ecosystem. Before the development of Southern California there were many wetlands which provided halting countries for migrating birds going the Pacific Flyway. As the human population grew the natural balance shifted. The Colorado River which used to hold a exuberant delta country was siphoned off turning the one time resource rich country into a desert. Along with this, many of the Southern California wetlands have been developed. While this development has affected the Southern California part of the migration route, it is non entirely, many of the historic halting countries have been developed coercing the birds to either cohabitate or happen less suited adjustments. For the migrating birds the Salton Sea is a true oasis in the desert with over 400 species of birds holding been spotted, which is about half of the known North American species ( â€Å" Salton Sea Authority † , n.d. ) . Many of which are listed as protected or endangered. The Sea offers birds a privy resting topographic point with an abundant nutrient supply.Protected Speciess Found in or Around the Salton SeaaAFederally Listed SpeciessCalifornia Listed SpeciessFishDesert Pupfish Desert PupfishAARazorback ChumpBirdsBald Eagle Bald EagleACalifornia Brown Pelican California Brown PelicanACalifornia Least Tern California Least TernALeast Bell ‘s Vireo Least Bell ‘s VireoASouthwestern Willow Flycatcher Willow FlycatcherAYuma Clapper Rail Yuma Clapper RailAAAAAArizona Bell ‘s VireoAABank SwallowAACalifornia Black RailAAElf OwlAAGila WoodpeckerAAGilded Northern FlickerAAGolden EagleAAGreater Sandhill CraneAAPeregrine FalconAASwainson ‘s HawkAAWestern Yellow-billed FatheadAAWhite-tailed KiteABeginning: Program Environmental Impact Report ( PEIR ) At onetime some believed the Salton Sea was the most productive piscaries in the universe, while this is hard to quantify it is evident the sea holds tonss of marine life. In the late 1960 ‘s a California Fish and Game ( CFG ) survey conducted at the Salton Sea predicted fish reproduction would discontinue when salt reached 45 parts per 1000 ( ppt ) with current salt at 44 ppt ( I. Haydock, Ph.D, personal communicating, November 19, 2010 ) . This anticipation has proven true, as many fish species have disappeared from the Salton Sea, go forthing Tilapia and the desert pupfish. Along with a rich mix of wildlife, the Salton Sea represents the human environmental impact. The Sea which is maintained by agricultural overflow can be seen as a testing land for new environmental direction thoughts. Social and Economic Factors Like most issues, one of the most urgent factors confronting the Salton Sea is economic based. The Imperial Valley which uses the Salton Sea as a overflow depository has an estimated agricultural production of over $ 1.6 billion ( â€Å" California Farm Bureau Federation † , 2010 ) . What makes the Sea an built-in portion of this is that the Colorado River H2O used for irrigation has a high salt content. Harmonizing to the Imperial County Farm Bureau the sum of salt flushed into the Salton Sea is equal to 52,000 truck tonss yearly ( â€Å" Imperial County Farm Bureau † , n.d. ) . If the salt were to be left in the dirt it would be merely a few old ages before harvests would get down to neglect. Aquaculture has besides become dependent on the Sea. Aquaculture started during WWII and developed into a big market bring forthing over 10 million lbs of fish a twelvemonth ( Rafferty, 1999, p. 1 ) . More late the focal point of aquaculture has been on algae which non merely cleans the H2O but can besides be used to make biofuel. The Sea is besides host to ten geothermic power workss that produce a net end product of about 327 megawatts of energy that is sold to Southern California Edison ( â€Å" CalEnergy † , n.d. ) . While each of these industries are separate, they depend upon each other for endurance. The husbandmans need to leach the salt of the dirt, and in making so maintains the Sea ‘s degree. The geothermic power workss rely on the Sea ‘s H2O to power the steam generators for energy production. And the aquaculture industry relies on the het H2O from the geothermic workss to advance growing among the fish and algae. Socially the Salton Sea has an every bit of import axial rotation. While the shoreline towns have non seen a noticeable revival the Sea remains to be a big attractive force. On any given twenty-four hours there are people bivouacing, fishing, and loosen uping along its shores. Beyond diversion, the current Sea is commanding what could be an ecologic catastrophe. If the Sea is allowed to dry up, contaminations could go airborne, adversely affect the lives of 1000000s ( Schwabe et al. , 2008, p. 183 ) . A similar affect was seen in Owens Valley when the Los Angels Department of Water and Power ( LADWP ) dried the vale, damaging the ecosystem and harming the dwellers. While there are differences between the Owens Valley and the Salton Sea, the dangers are existent and would potentially impact the full sou'-west. Economically if the Sea is allowed to dry ; it means all of the industries which rely on the Sea have now changed. For the Imperial and Coachella Valleys this could be black. Human Health and Quality of Life During 50 ‘s, 60s, and 70s the Salton Sea was a finish for people who love H2O athleticss and diversion and with a population of about 15,000 ( today 400 ) it was a turning community. However, since so fish putting to deaths ( due to algae blooms ) , bird deceases ( due to Botulism ) , pollution panics, and implosion therapy has pushed people to travel and stopped utilizing sea recreationally. It should be noted the issues environing the Salton Sea are non merely environmental. They are besides economic and wellness issues, which affect the quality of life of the people still populating on the Sea ‘s fringe. For these occupants and the visitants the Sea country is a bare topographic point ( â€Å" Salton Sea Authority † , n.d. ) . Rehabilitation Ideas Many solutions have been proposed as to how best manage the Salton Sea. These thoughts run the spectrum from allowing the Sea evaporate and return to abandon, to delving a channel to the Gulf of California. While all of the programs have some virtue, many have liabilities that outweigh benefits. Of the solutions to have consideration there are two base outs, a full Sea and a partial Sea programs. The partial Sea program is presently the proposed best alternate and will be discussed in following pages. For a full Sea Restoration there are many challenges, one being the QSA which regulates the sum of Colorado River H2O California is able to pull. While a California allocation has been in topographic point since the Colorado River Compact of 1922, California has been able to pull above the 4.4 million acre pess because it was entitled to a per centum of the surplus. However, California is now being required to remain within its 4.4 million acre pess allotment, with an increased part traveling to urban usage as apposed to agricultural. This means that less H2O will be used to water which equal less overflow. So in order to keep the Sea, H2O from the Gulf of California will necessitate to be pumped into the lake, and H2O from the lake will necessitate to be pumped back to the Gulf, making an unfastened system with the ocean. This would stabilise the salt while keeping the bing Sea. While this thought sounds good, it comes with many variables and a high projected cost. In a study by the Pacific Institute such a program would be about $ 70 billion dollars ( Cohen, 2008, p. 132 ) and require cooperation of landholders and the Mexican authorities. Accountability Soon the Sea receives H2O from multiple beginnings: Whitewater River, Alamo River, New River, agricultural overflow, groundwater, and a fraction from rainfall. While these beginnings have been discussed, the Alamo and New river which originate in Mexico contribute to the Sea ‘s pollution. However, while these rivers cross the U.S. Mexico boarder the Salton Sea is clearly a province and federal issue. Many federal bureaus have besides passed statute law in relation to the Salton Sea including the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the U.S. Department of the Interior which passed the Salton Sea Reclamation Act of 1998 authorising financess to analyze salt direction ( â€Å" U.S. Bureau of Reclamation † , n.d. ) . While we know more about the Salton Sea now, California is taking a proactive function in protecting and developing the Sea, with the California Salton Sea Authority in the lead. What is an environmental policy? The present Salton Sea status is a apogee of many factors, from hapless sewerage intervention fouling the H2O, to the deficiency of media attending. Yet the authorities is devoted to developing a program which addresses environmental sustainability, preservation, population wellness, and economic growing. Over the last decennary environmental policy development and execution ( entirely or in concurrence with undertakings ) has shifted its focal point on digesting additions in sustainable usage, effectual direction, improved quality of life, and preservation of natural resources. Like other types of public policies, environmental policies set up the regulations that guide environmental determinations of houses and families in rural, agricultural, and urban countries. Environmental constabularies are designed and implemented for the express intent protecting and/or bettering environmental quality or natural resource usage ; by pull offing pollution and other human activity. Environmental policy should reform or alter the â€Å" regulations of the game † that guides behaviour of houses, farms, and families related to pollution and natural resource usage. Policy shapers in deferent degrees of authorities employ a assortment of inducements and deterrences to promote determinations that promote environmental ends and protect natural resources. A well-designed environmental policy should be cost-efficient, based on sound economic rules, achieve environmental aims, set up local ownership through engagement, and create institutional functions and duties which are consensual during the execution procedure. Environmental policies are non without their challenges. While the benefits of good conceived environmental policy are significant and easy recognized, policy alterations frequently require institutional reforms. A successful environmental policy should convey together taking scientific research workers, policy shapers, minds, and experts on the environment and wellness every bit good as proficient and legal experts, including national statute law, federal and province regulators, to portion their cognition and penetrations into the complex environmental and human wellness issues. It should be noted that, in the environmental policy doing procedure the usage of modern scientific discipline, engineering, and economic feasibleness tools are indispensable ( Stenberg et al, 2007, p. 265 ) . History of the Bill Up until his premature decease US Congressman Sonny Bono was a strong voice for the Salton Sea. As a local occupant, Mayor of Palm Springs, and subsequently a US Congressman, Sonny Bono understood the significance of the Salton Sea and was in the procedure of subjecting statute law when he died. Fortunately Newt Gingrich carried the measure which would be named â€Å" Sonny Bono Salton Sea Restoration Act. † ( Orange County Register, February 1998 ) . In 1998, Congress enacted the Salton Sea Reclamation Act of 1998 directing the US Bureau of Reclamation to develop options that would stabilise salt and lake degree while keeping the Sea ‘s usage as an irrigation drainage reservoir. Today, the Salton Sea Ecosystem Restoration Program is a combined attempt fall ining Federal bureaus, State bureaus, local bureaus, stakeholders, and the general populace all working together to reconstruct the Sea ‘s ecosystem. In 2003, 40th District Senator Denise Ducheny presented the California Legislature with SB 277 the Salton Sea Restoration Act, Which directs the Natural Resources Agency, Department of Fish and Game and the Department of Water Resources, to analyze and develop the best option for reconstructing the Salton Sea, one which would turn to the Sea ‘s ecosystem and human involvement. For Senator Ducheny the Salton Sea and the QSA have significance because her territory includes the Sea and many of the H2O bureaus involved. And while there is no grounds of parts from involvement groups, A Sea Restoration would pump 1000000s if non one million millions into the local economic system, while reconstructing a strong attractive force. The aims are to: 1 ) Make a sensible and sustainable home ground and ecosystem for the wildlife dependent on the Sea. 2 ) Minimize air quality impact. 3 ) Manage H2O quality ( SB 277, 2003 ) . The passage of SB 277 was dependent on the transition of both SB 654 and SB 317 which focused severally on H2O preservation mechanisms and the Sea ‘s ecology. Combined these three measures focus on issues straight impacting the Salton Sea, and supply support of up to $ 300 million dollars from the sale of Colorado River H2O ( Salton Sea Authority, 2004, p. 1 ) . The purpose of Senate Bill 277 ( SB 277 ) The purpose of the Legislature is summarized below: Restore and stabilise the Salton Sea, while making a strong ecosystem advancing wildlife wellness. The Restoration shall be based on the preferable alternate program developed from the Restoration survey and alternate choice procedure described in Section 2081.7. The Use of these financess should be made available in conformity with the old mentioned subdivision to be deposited in the Salton Sea Restoration Fund, and other financess made available by the Legislature and the US federal authorities. The preferable alternate shall supply the maximal executable agencies to reconstruct the sea. Salton Sea Restoration Fund ( SSRF ) SB 277 is intended to reconstruct the Sea which includes stabilising the ecosystem. Specifically, the measure establishes the Sea Restoration Fund which is to be administered by the Director of the Department of Fish and Game ( DFG ) . In 2003, the QSA which among other things addressed the long standing Colorado River apportionment difference between the Imperial Irrigation District, San Diego County Water Authority, and the Coachella Valley Water District. The QSA besides implemented Fish and Game Code Section 2931, which established the Salton Sea Restoration Fund ( â€Å" Bond Accountability.. † n.d. ) . The Legislature will pull off the financess which are intended to be used for: Salton Sea Restoration surveies, with a focal point on continuing wildlife. Create preservation techniques which will supply a balance between wildlife and Sea direction. Implement the agreed upon Restoration program. Manage Restoration activities. Major issues with SB 277 A ) SB 277 SB 277 is an amendment to the old measures which hold the State of California responsible for reconstructing the sea and establishes a mechanism for funding the Restoration. However, the measure fails to turn to these challenges: Economic primacy: The Salton Sea is non an environmental issue. It is an economic issue and one of the largest regional menaces. Atomization of American Political System: US atomization of Political system on this issue is an obstruction to efficiency and effectivity in moving toward work outing the job. Interest group instability: There are many involvement groups that are interested in the Restoration for different grounds, including conservationists, life scientists, folks, abodes, developers, applied scientists, and politicians. The most of import overarching value in public policy is the public involvement ( Pal, 2010, p. 3 ) . The policy rhythm: The policy rhythm includes job acknowledgment ( it should be noted that, the sea Restoration policy rhythm has given a long clip to the survey period in order to specify the job ) , policy development, execution and rating. However, policies seldom tackle individual jobs ; instead, they deal with bunchs of embroiled jobs that may hold contradictory solutions. To farther complicate this, complexness is besides increased with the size and breath of the job which is frequently comprised of sets of other possibly smaller jobs whose really interconnectedness makes them hard to grok and whose boundaries are hard to specify across and over clip ( Pal, 2010, p. 4 ) . The Salton Sea is a perfect illustration of a complex and interconnected job. Economically the Sea is a major driver for industry. Yet financially the Sea is a liability for the State of California which could be upwards of $ 14 billion in Restoration. It should be noted that, if the Sea is allowed to dries up, it would go an air quality catastrophe which would impact the economic system of the Coachella Valley. Furthermore, the Sea remains to be a delicate ecosystem, seesawing between â€Å" haven and hazard † as it softly evolves ( Cohen, et al. , 2009, p. 1 ) . The Sonny Bono Memorial Salton Sea Reclamation Act of 1998, the QSA and ordaining statute law, and the proposed Salton Sea Local Control Act flux one into the other, irrigating down the following piece of statute law. B ) The Many Parties Involved Multiple federal, province, and regional bureaus are presently tuning the best Restoration option for the Salton Sea. In add-on, the Salton Sea Authority Board of Directors includes: California Regional Water Quality Control Board Colorado River Basin Region 7, Coachella Valley Water District ( CVWD ) , Imperial Irrigation District ( IID ) , Riverside County Board of Supervisors 4th District, Riverside County Board of Supervisors 3rd District, Imperial County Board of Supervisors 5th District, Imperial County Board of Supervisors 4th District, Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians, Coachella Valley association of Governments ( CVAG ) , California Department of Fish and Game, Southern California Association of Government ( SCAG ) , State Resource Agency, and Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector Control. In add-on, a Technical Advisory Committee including life scientists, applied scientists, and environmental experts has been formed ( â€Å" Salton Sea Authority † , n.d. ) .Me mbers of the Salton Sea Advisory CommitteeAFederal AgenciesBureau of Indian Affairs Bureau of Reclamation Fish and Wildlife Service Geological Survey Environmental Protection AgencyTribal GovernmentsTorres-Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians Cabazon Band of Mission IndiansState AgenciesState Water Resources Control Board Colorado River Basin Regional Water Quality Control Board California Air Resources BoardLocal AgenciesMetropolitan Water District of Southern California San Diego County Water Authority Coachella Valley Water District Imperial Irrigation District Imperial County Riverside County Imperial County Air Pollution Control District South Coast Air Quality Management District Coachella Valley Association of Governments Imperial Valley Association of GovernmentsNongovernmental OrganizationsCalifornia Farm Bureau Federation Riverside County Farm Bureau Imperial County Farm Bureau Defenders of Wildlife California Waterfowl Association Pacific Institute United Anglers of Southern California Audubon California Sierra Club CalEnergy Operating Corporation New River Citizens Congressional Task Force Beginning: Program Environmental Impact Report ( PEIR ) With all of these bureaus keeping involvement in the Salton Sea, many have presented contradictory information, which has made developing a consensus hard. To assist with this a Technical Advisory Committee ( TAC ) which is comprised of bureau representatives each have a strong cognition of the Sea, and are supposed to supply counsel to the Board of Director ‘s. C ) A sea of contradictions: It is frequently written that the Salton Sea is a â€Å" sea of contradictions † ; it is both a oasis for wildlife every bit good as jeopardy for resident fish, birds, and other animals. Since the Sea terminal lake sustained by agricultural overflow, the influxs are both a approval and a expletive ( Cohen, 1999, p. 15 ) . The argument over how best to reconstruct this delicate ecosystem is non new. The treatment of dividing the lake into a northern salt managed lake and a southern seawater pool, which is today the Salton Sea Authority ‘s preferable option, received serious attending every bit early every bit 1974 as the sulphide odor from the fecund algal bloom rhythm and the subsequent fish die-offs began driving tourers off from the Sea. D ) Policy Issue The bing issues environing the Salton Sea are about to make a tipping point forcing determinations be made. If nil gets done in the close hereafter, the sea is predicted to slowly evaporate, and a new set of issues will be presented. A major obstruction is funding. In add-on, the concluding cost is hard to gauge because of the complexness of this issue. Presently there has been small way provided by the legislative assembly with respects to implementation plan including timeline. While a preferable Restoration program was scheduled to be delivered by the terminal of 2006, inquiries remain, and action has non been taken. The legislative assembly merely authorized the State to travel frontward with what has been proposed as the Salton Sea Species Conservation Habitat ( SCH ) Project. The legislative assembly needs to give authorization to the State to travel frontward with a Restoration plan. The State has proposed a Restoration program which is similar to the Salton Sea Authority ‘s initial proposal. The federal authorities has besides come up with similar consequences. Because influx will be reduced all of the programs are partial lake Restorations. In December of 2007 the US Bureau of Reclamation issued the Restoration of the salton sea concluding study December 2007 in which the costs for the different programs was laid out. For the partial lake Restoration plans the estimated costs ranged from $ 9.2 billion to $ 14 billion in building costs ( US Bureau of Reclamation, 2007, p. 7-2 ) . In this program the Sea is divided into two chief subdivisions, each incorporating multiple zones. The north half of the Sea would be for diversion with the south half being for rehabilitation and home ground. By diminishing the organic structure of H2O by half, merely a part of the present influx will be needed to prolong changeless degrees. Water would so be circulated in a cloc kwise way and filtered through the marsh/habitat where it will be filtered. Throughout the Waterss path there will be intervention workss every bit good as pumping Stationss which will keep circulation ( â€Å" Salton Sea Authority † , n.d. ) . This program besides takes into consideration the many different industries that rely on the Sea. The geothermic workss will still hold entree to H2O, and wildlife will still hold plentifulness of topographic points to rest while migrating. However, there are many challenges that need to be overcome, one being the projected costs. While this program offers a contained solution to the job, the effectivity and costs are non certain. Below is a map of the partial sea program from the Salton Sea Authority. The Department of Fish and Game is traveling frontward with this program as a halt spread step before a concluding program is approved. Salton Sean Species Conservation Habitat ( SCH ) Undertaking SB 277 has strengthened the foundation, nevertheless, it does non see the size and clip for the sea Restoration undertaking. Presently the proposed Salton Sea Species Conservation Habitat ( SCH ) Project size one time wholly build-out is expected to be about 2,400 estates, nevertheless, building clip and costs are dependent on the acquisition of land ( Salton Sea Update, September 2010 ) . In conformity with CEQA the California Natural Resources Agency is in the procedure of carry oning an EIR for the SCH Project. Besides because the SCH Project involves both State and Federal actions, a joint EIS/EIR will be prepared by DFG, under the way of the Natural Resources Agency, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ( Corps ) pursuant to CEQA and the National Environmental Policy Act ( NEPA ) . This joint papers is being prepared to optimise efficiency and avoid duplicate and is intended to be sufficient in range to turn to both the Federal and State demands. For the intents of the EIS/EIR, the State is to develop preservation patterns that will protect the Sea ‘s wildlife in conformity with Section 2932 of the fish and game codification, pull off the issue potency of incidental take mandate under the California Endangered Species Act ( CESA ) California, Section 2081, and oversee the Streambed Alteration Agreement under California Fish and Game Code, Section 1602. The U S Federal Government may publish licenses to modulate discharge into organic structures of H2O, which include watercourses, lakes, fens, and rivers [ State of California, Natural Resources Agency, June 21, 2010, Notice of Preparation ( NOP ) of a Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report ( EIS/EIR ) ] . Role of Bureaucracy Bureaucracy has an of import function in the sea Restoration procedure. It implements the written Torahs and regulations while supplying processs on how to implement the Restoration. However, the engagement of the many shareholders, bureaucratic ruddy tape and deficiency of consensus has hampered advancement. Size: Due to the high figure of organisations and entities involve within the procedure, it is about impossible to supervise everyone and every group. Ability of administrative officials: The people who administer the policy have huge measures of information to procedure with limited staff. In 1998 Congress enacted the Salton Sea Reclamation Act. However, policy execution inside informations were non established. So in 2003 California passed SB 277 which assumed authorization by California to work out the particulars. Presently California is working with the Federal authorities and other bureaus in a Joint Powers Authority. Ethical Issues SB 277 is hard because no affair what is decided there will be inauspicious affects. If after the surveies have been conducted it is determined that Fieldss will necessitate to be fallowed, so the local economic system potentially suffers. However, if current flows are maintained SDCWA, CVWD, and MWD will non hold adequate H2O to run into turning demand. Conversely if influx is allowed to diminish there is the possible that wildlife could be adversely affected. The Salton Sea besides represents an ethical quandary, is reconstructing the Sea the best usage of public financess? This inquiry becomes peculiarly outstanding as the state is confronting economic troubles. After looking at the options, it becomes evident that in the instance of the Salton Sea Restoration is in fact in the best involvements of the province and state. International Relationss SB 277 does no straight mention any foreign states ; nevertheless, the consequences of SB 277 will hold a direct effect to both Mexico and Canada. As discussed earlier two of the major influx beginnings originate in Mexico. And although California can non necessitate Mexico ‘s conformity, it would be sensible to bespeak Mexico ‘s support in cleaning up the New and Alamo rivers. Presently the Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) is working with the Mexican authorities to better the H2O quality of the New River by put ining waste H2O interventions workss, using over $ 40 million dollars in Mexicali effluent undertakings ( â€Å" Environmental Protection Agency † , 2010 ) . This non merely cleans the H2O fluxing into the Sea, but it besides provides Mexicali with a new beginning of drinkable H2O. Less straight the Salton Sea plays a planetary axial rotation in supplying a resting country for migrating birds. With most of the historic wetlands destroyed, the Salton Sea is the lone resting country in the part. The exact affect of fring the Sea is non known, nevertheless, it is agreed such a loss would damage bird populations. The ripple affect of this could be lay waste toing as full industries and ecosystems are based on the migration of birds. As we have witnessed in other instances, the remotion of one or multiple species from an ecosystem can compromise the full system. Successs and Failures Seven old ages after the passage of SB 277 the Salton Sea has seen small alteration. At a recent Salton Sea symposium many thoughts were presented on how to mange the Sea nevertheless no action had been taken. There was nevertheless, one point of consensus, which was that action needed to be taken instantly ( Gottberg, 2010 ) . So has SB 277 succeeded or failed? On many counts SB 277 has succeeded, it provided funding for surveies which have developed solid solutions, and it has provided a manner to fund these plans through the sale of H2O. While SB 277 has succeeded on many counts it has besides failed. In Section 1 Chapter 13 of the Fish and Game Code it states â€Å" Implementation of the preferable Salton Sea Restoration option † ( SB 277, 2003 ) . SB 277 transportations the load of the Salton Sea from the Federal authorities to the province. While this transportation might hold made action easier, a recent Superior Court opinion found the QSA JPA violated the California Constitution ( Imperial Irrigation District FAQ, 2010 ) . A cardinal point being the province committed to taking on an unacceptable sum of debt. The QSA officially acknowledged the State of California ‘s purpose to set about the Restoration of the Salton Sea. Necessitating the California Natural Resources Agency develop an ecosystem Restoration plan for the Salton Sea. After a really long and publically crystalline procedure, the Salton Sea Ecosystem Restoration Program Preferred Alternative Report and Funding Plan were presented to the California State Legislature by the California Secretary of Natural Resources on May 2007. To day of the month, the Legislature has non acted on the preferable option for the Salton Sea Restoration ; nevertheless, it has appropriated support to get down work on the Species Conservation Habitat ( SCH ) Undertaking. The State has begun the environmental analysis and technology design of the SCH undertaking, consistent with the â€Å" early start † habitat recommendations of the Salton Sea Ecosystem Restoration Programmatic ( PEIR ) . In which the California Natural Resources Agency is functioning as the lead bureau for California Environmental Quality Act ( CEQA ) conformity. The demand for California to implement the SCH undertaking is driven by the environmental jobs that exist within the watershed. Problems that are rapidly making crisis degrees and will be exacerbated by decreased influxs after 2017, the Salton Sea ‘s salt degrees continue to increase and are expected to transcend the tolerance of most fish species in the sea by 2018. These fish are critical to back up many fish-eating birds that are dependent on the Salton Sea. Suggestion In seeking to decode SB 277 it is necessary to see the many interactions. The thought of SB 277 is to reconstruct the Salton Sea, by: support surveies, implement preservation steps, administer the Restoration and direction, develop support, assess IID fallowing plans, and work with federal, province, and local bureaus, while working within the QSA understanding. On paper this Act is brief, but in content it is potentially monolithic. It is our belief that because SB 277 is so across-the-board, it fails to to the full accomplish its ends. After analyzing SB 277 we recommend the followers. The first suggestion would be to put in dated mileposts. Soon under the QSA 2018 is the tipping point for the Salton Sea. SB 277 lineations aims yet offers small way as to how and when programs and undertakings should be implemented. By making deadlines parties will be forced to make a consensus. The Second suggestion is to hold SB 277 create a high degree bureau to pull off the Salton Sea. By making a separate bureau to carry on research and implement programs there would be greater answerability with greater coordination. This bureau would necessitate the support of the province, local, and federal authorities, because of the complexness and engagement of many organisations. Third, the land below and around the Salton Sea needs to be unified. Presently the Sea remainders on private, province, federal, and tribal lands. This fractured ownership has created excessively many parties which need to hold. In the instance of the Salton Sea it would be sensible to hold the province authorities unify ownership making a individual voice. Most significantly SB 277 demands to make a sense of urgency in happening and implementing a solution. For many old ages at that place have been study after survey done, nevertheless, small to no action has been taken. In the interim the deadline for action is nearing while the treatment remains on what to make. Urgency and cooperation demands to be taken up by the involved parties so a to the full supported program can travel frontward. Decision The Salton Sea is soon at hamlets. Some believe the Sea should be allowed to dry up, yet others believe the full lake should be maintained via circulation with the Gulf of California, but everyone believes a determination needs to be made. This paper has examined SB 277 the Salton Sea Restoration Act, which was intended to supply sustainable solutions to the many challenges. However, as shown, small action has been taken. If the Salton Sea is to be rehabilitated, it will necessitate a conjunct attempt by all interested parties. To farther perplex the Restoration attempt, in September of 2010 Governor Schwarzenegger singed SB 51 a measure proposed by Senator Ducheny making the Salton Sea Restoration Council, which will be the State ‘s new lead bureau in the Restoration procedure, and is in with the Salton Sea Authority. This development has created new uncertainnesss, and will be interesting to follow.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Private Prisons Essay

Oct. 18, 2001 Thesis Private prisons can be a profitable and secure alternative to government run Statement prisons. Private prisons are able to be profitable by controlling the administrational cost of operating the facilities. At the same time, they must adhere to high governmental standards to maintain the right to operate. Background As a nation, we have many issues that we must face. One of those issues is the administration of the, already overcrowded, prison system. This issue is one of the most taxing problems facing our criminal justice system. According to U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Statistics, the prison population at year-end 2000, there were 1,381,892 men and women in State or Federal prison (U.S. Department of Justice). Luckily, the private sector has stepped up to, not only help with this problem, but also take advantage of the profitability in this venture. Evidence #1 Containing labor costs is a crucial issue of the privatization movement. Approximately 70% of the costs of operating a prison go to staff salaries, fringe benefits, and overtime (Logan 2). The administration of this cost is difficult to achieve with unionized government workers. In contrast, private institutions use nonunion and contracted labor, allowing for the lowest benefit packages. With nonunion and contracted labor, government restrictions that interfere with efficient personnel management such as hiring, firing, promotion, salary setting, assignment of duties, work schedules, vacations, and overtime can be avoided. Overall, private institutions contend that they can save around 15% in prison operations when labor cost is efficient handled (Logan 2). Evidence #2 Another way the private sector can control cost is that the private sector has greater flexibility in the procurement process. The private sector contractors are not bound by the same cumbersome and stiff government procurement system. Private vendors can purchase goods and services quicker. They can maintain lower food, supplies, and equipment inventories as well as negotiate better prices for these goods. Competition between contractors, that will supply these goods, will help hold down costs and provide for superior service. Contract renewals are always on the line if service becomes questionable. Evidence #3 One of the most asked questions is what happens in the case of a strike? The answer is about the same as for a government-run prison. Contracted prison guards may not have the right to strike but the absence of this right has not prevented guards from participating in strikes, sick-outs, and other job actions. At a private prison in Rhode Island, all but a few contract guards walked off their jobs. On the other hand, all but a handful of guards at New York’s 33 state-run correctional facilities went on a strike that lasted 17 days (Logan 6). Of course, a disruption at a privately run facility could allow the government to terminate a contract. The threat of termination due to loss of a contract or simply being fired from the position is a strong incentive against a strike. In any case, the National Guard and state police will provide the ultimate backup for prison staff, be it private or public. Evidence #4 Another question is what happens in the case of a riot or escape? In fact, the experience of privately run prisons has been no worse off than that of the government-run facilities. Most contracts require that privately operated prisons conform to the law, rules, and regulations set down by the government. This is, at times, more tightly monitored than the government-run facilities. Keep in mind that the privately operated prison contracts will always include a contingency plan to deal with strikes, riots, or bankruptcy. Refutation One activist against private prisons said, â€Å"private prisons cannot be as safe and secure as a government run prison â€Å" ¦ they are only interested in the profits† (Yeoman 284). According to report done by the Bureau of Justice Assistance from July 1, 1994 to June 30, 1995, violations per 1,000 inmates were 42.3% and deaths per 1,000 inmates were 2.9% for government facilities (Austin and Coventry 48). Compared to the private facilities, violations per 1,000 inmates were 50.5% and deaths per 1,000 inmates were 0.7% between January 1 and December 31, 1997 (Austin and Coventry 48). This would suggest that there are no more problems at a private prison then a public prison. Concluding With many investors becoming interested in the profitability of investing in the statement private prison system, there seems to be more facilities opening yearly. The government echoes the is happy with this trend, as it has enabled them to keep up with the growing prison thesis population at a reduced cost. As far as the government is concerned, the private prison statement system is a good thing, and they are here to stay. Berry Yeoman, The Best Business Stories of the Year â€Å"† 2001 Edition, Vintage Books, New York, 2001, p. 282-296 Charles H. Logan,, Prison Privatization: Objections and Refutations, University of Connecticut, 1998 James Austin, Ph.D., Garry Coventry, Ph.D.,, Emerging Issues on Privatized Prisons, U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Assistance, U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Washington, DC, Feb. 2000 U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics,, Prisoners in 2000, Aug. 12, 2001

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Language of ‘Abigail’s Party’ Emily Huntley Essay

Mike Leigh used to be one of a kind, famous for creating movies through an unusual process that involves extensive rehearsals and improvisations with his actors; a process that begins weeks before anyone picks up a camera. In each of his plays, he has depicted the often-uneventful lives of ordinary people. The results are always far from conventional. And it is through his success that many directors are now using his techniques to capture the texture of everyday life. Leigh achieves this commonness in the majority through his language, although the whole play is based on naturalism, he uses this technique to capture the essence of each characters persona. I think this technique is particularly successful, as the audience finds it easy to relate themselves to the evening unravelling before them, and manage to put themselves in the situations of the characters. Lawrence My first impression of Lawrence was that he was an well-educated, cultured man, who was simply a good social mixer but this is the aim of Leigh. He wanted the audience to believe the opposite of Lawrence and then have their thoughts ‘dashed’. In a way I believe that this makes the audience feel vulnerable as if they’ve been deceived and they then seek comfort in one of the other characters which seem simple and honest and therefore they find themselves ‘delving’ into the play further. Lawrence speaks in a polite and precise manner ‘Ah, yes-now, when would you be best for you? †¦No, no, I’ll fall in with you, Mrs Cushing.’ (Page 2) this enforces the idea of him being a well brought up man and hopefully in his eyes achieving the idea that his guests consider him of a high social class. Leigh also used the language of the character Lawrence to make him persuasive and condescending, ‘I don’t only like Minis-I like lots of other cars. But I find the Mini economical, efficient and reliable.’ (Page 8) this is a good example of the ‘rule of 3’ a strong persuasive technique, this is how he enforces his ideas on others and appears so domineering and always seems to be right as no one has the courage to object. Generally Lawrence’s speech is direct and focused, he speaks when spoken to and rarely initiates a conversation, unless asking probing questions to prove his wealth and class over the other guests Ã¢â‚¬Ë œYou have a car, do you? (Page 8). Although Lawrence’s vocabulary is relatively simple, he still uses this to his advantage by trying to better himself and prove his supposedly higher social status ‘Macbeth. Part of our heritage’. This also links to Lawrence’s frequent ‘name dropping’ this is in an attempt to try and appear culturally educated, with references to ‘Van Gogh’ ‘Shakespeare’ ‘Lowry’ etc. Lawrence also frequently uses questions in his dialect, this is to distract guests from a previous topic that may be a bit ‘uncomfortable’ for him, and so that he feels as though he is remaining control, he can choose what subject to initiate a conversation with ‘You’ve got footballer’s legs, though, haven’t you? †¦ Talking of Paris, Sue, do you like art?’ Another technique Leigh used in Lawrence’s character, are put-downs. This is achieved by the use of rhetorical questions. ‘What would you know about taste? (Page 48). And also by repetition of the persons name who he’s talking to. ‘I’ve seen to the drinks, thank you, Beverly!’ (Page 42), in this is example it is used as a ‘put down’ to remind Beverly to look around and compose herself. Throughout the play, Leigh rarely uses poetic language or imagery, with few metaphors and no symbolism. Lawrence is a prime example of this as he is a simple dialect character. Beverly When I initially read the play, I thought the whole plot pivoted around Beverly and how bad a hostess she was. I later found this not to be true. After seeing the play I realised that Beverly is actually a very good host, this is proved when she leaves the room, and the conversation withers. She also dominates the play, with her monologues, and comical ‘mickey’ taking of Lawrence. In Abigail’s Party Beverly is the only character to frequently swear with no apparent acknowledgement for her guests. ‘Oh sod off Lawrence’ (Page 49). This although may be offensive to some, shows the extreme contrast between the ‘nouveaux riches’ and the true middle class, such as Sue. Throughout the play Beverly uses a patronising tone, but I feel this isn’t a condescending technique, but rather being too honest ‘Please don’t be offended when I say this, but, you’re wearing a very pretty dress, If I may say so; now, you see that pink ribbon down the front? If you’d chosen, Ang, a colour slightly nearer that pink, I think it would have blended more with your skin tones;’ (Page 10). In this example, I feel that she is trying to make Ang feel better in herself. Although this does prove how materialistic Bev is as she thinks that making yourself look better solves all problems. Beverly babbles incessantly, is garrulous, and uses a lot of personal anecdotes in her dialect. ‘Now my bloke had told me to turn left, right? Now we come to the first give way, and the bloke in front slammed his brakes on. Now, I’m going behind him and I suppose I’m going a little bit too quick with me nerves; so I slam on my brakes and I went slap into the back of him.’ (Page 9). This is a clear example of Beverly’s long and complex sentences, although she also uses short simple sentences ‘Lawrence you’re going to get heartburn’ (Page 2). Beverly is also very colloquial in the way that she speaks, and this makes it easier for the audience to familiarise themselves with her. Similarly to Lawrence, Beverly also ‘name drops’ to appear culturally educated ‘Beaujolais’ (Page 11) although from the quote ‘Oh it’s Beaujolais. Fantastic! Won’t be a sec, I’ll just pop it in the fridge.'(Page 11) You can tell that Bev clearly has no idea about wine etc. like we originally thought. Generally speaking Beverly is the main character to initiate conversation, she keeps everyone involved and the conversation flowing. She also reiterates a lot to confirm and seek approval, assurance and affirmation. Beverly has a few peculiarities of speech, including the adjectives ‘Great’ and ‘Fantastic’. These are character phrases enable the audience to link these certain words to her, and expect them, I feel this makes the audience feel more at ease with Bev, or simply more irritated by her. Similarly to Lawrence, Beverly also never uses imagery, symbolism, metaphors or poetic language. But unsurprisingly for her character there are frequent sexual innuendoes ‘He’s got a firm handshake, hasn’t he?’ (Page 5) ‘Tone, you can’t do much with a bed-head, can you?’ (Page 7). Angela As a person, Ang is a simple and satisfied working class newly wed. Her sentences can be long, but this is purely due to her rambling and not knowing when to stop. ‘Oh, what a lovely table. This is just what we need. It’s the next thing we’re going to get. ‘Cos at the moment we’re eating off our knees. It’s unusual, isn’t it – with the wooden top and modern legs.’ (Page 22) Her conversation seems to be pretty pointless as she doesn’t seem to have anything of any value to add to the discussion. But similarly to Bev she also includes simple sentences to make her dialect feel more naturalistic. When comparing the characters I think it is possible to state that Ang is the most colloquial of all of them, as she is most informal, and although her grammar is a little ‘shakey’ it seems to be easier for the audience to accept her on face value as she is too honest and genuine to be hiding anything. Ang uses questions to seek assurance, and also to encourage people to engage with her, as it provokes a response. ‘Isn’t she?’ Ang uses personal anecdotes to inform the audience of her character, although the comic element that Leigh included was how she seems completely oblivious to her boundaries, and therefore makes herself look foolish. ‘Tony had a bad experience in an Indian restaurant – this was before I knew him†¦He had a nasty dose of gastro-enteritis after he’d had a curry, and you see that put him off. (Page 25). This medical reference shows hoe educated she is and reflects her job as a nurse. I feel it is the fact that Ang is too blunt and open to use any form of innuendoes, or symbolism, that makes it so easy for the audience to accept her. Tony Tony is a very reserved character; he rarely uses full sentences, but rather one-word replies, this makes him appear constrained and unnatural which is why I believe it is not so surprising when he raises his voice at Ang as the audience can see the tension building inside him. He never initiates conversation, as that would mean replies to more questions. He often uses slang, or colloquial language ‘top’ ‘ta’. Leigh also included various imperative or instructive verbs ‘leave it’ ‘stand up’ ‘turn that fucking record off’ (Page 51), but these are only ever commanded at Ang, and explains why the audience and guests never agree with Ang when she seems to find him domineering. Tony’s humour seems to be very ‘dry’ in that he finds his own things funny, rather than sharing a universal joke. Tony is the only character to use silence as a defence and attack mechanism. As we’ve seen with Bev and Lawren ce they’d rather shout at each other to resolve problems. Tony uses silence to create a tension and most often with Ang and therefore making her look stupid, in front of their company, clearly showing an imbalance in their relationship. Sue It is clear from the beginning of the play that Sue is of the highest social class in the group. Originally I though Sue was a well brought up and highly well mannered person, but when studying the play I realised the opposite. I felt that Sue is very rude and off-putting to the people around her as she has a lack of curiosity, she doesn’t seem to show any interest in them and clearly doesn’t want them to show any in her. She only speaks when spoken to, and never repays the question. When she does answer questions it’s always unexpansive, short; clipt one-word answers ‘Yes’. It is clear from her dialect that she is uncomfortable and intimidated by the other characters. Her language is very unnatural and similar to that of a guide book. Her vocabulary is old fashioned, formal, and grammar school style. ‘Daren’t’ ‘Aren’t’. Otherwise it’s quite simple and easily understood so it doesn’t require any explanations. She never uses colloquial or slang vocabulary. She rarely uses questions in her dialogue as this would initiate conversation. She keeps herself to herself and doesn’t want to probe or get involved into either of the troublesome marriages in front of her. Her character phrases seem to be reliant on her politeness ‘Yes please’ ‘No thank you’. It is possible to say that she is trapped by her own politeness, She doesn’t have the nerve to leave the party, which she clearly doesn’t want to be at. Throughout the play she remains completely unassertive right until the end when her guard drops, and she tells Bev to ‘Shut up’ (Page 53). Language is a key tool that all playwrights use to distinguish the differences and similarities between each of the characters. The character phrases and accents help the audience to realise the different backgrounds and diversity of the characters. Contributing to the visual aspects, lines give a sense of place and person and how the characters interact with one another.

Business Decision Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business Decision Making - Essay Example In principle, theory X is based on the view of workers as essentially lazy. The theory supports the notion that workers will seek all opportunities to avoid work or responsibility. The objective of any worker, according to this theory, is the obtaining of money that comes from his duties. This theory advocates for the use of threats and coercion in forcing the element of motivation within the workers. Motivation, in line with this theory is a consequence of fear arising out of the threat and coercion (Ramlall, 2004). On the other hand, theory Y bases its tenets on the view of humans as naturally progressive. The theory contends that humans will seek excellence, responsibility, and self-actualization if given the opportunity. The level of competence of any worker is dependent on the kind of incentives and the conducive nature of environment that supports the spirit of industriousness and enterprise. This theory holds the view that motivation will arise from the sum of incentives that aim at developing the skills and commitment of the worker in line with the specific duties in which he engages. This theory promotes a closer cooperation between the workers and management in ways that eliminate friction and misunderstanding between the two categories. It also includes aspects of human resource development through such processes as training and the engagement in certain activities as rewards and promotion to spur the interest of the workers towards the pursuit of excellence. The Goal Setting theory of motivation developed by Edwin Locke in the 1960s is another key theory that attracts the interest of management scholars in many fields of business and management (Simone & Patricia, 2008). According to this theory, the aspect of motivation is driven by the pursuit of some specific goals. The worker will often engage his skills, effort, and energy to levels that are consistent with the nature of the goal. The theory proposes that the goals have to be clear and precise in order to engage the interest and motivation of the worker. Vague and ambiguous goals, according to this theory, will not achieve the aspect of motivation that is necessary for the pursuit of the desired ends of a given process. This theory also opposes the setting of easy goals will diminish the efforts of the worker as they can be achieved without the input of much effort (Simone & Patricia, 2008). The goal-setting theory is usually dependent on the aspect of human character. According to the proponents of the theory, human beings love challenges and would seek opportunities of self-actualization and a sense of accomplishment through the pursuit of challenges as defined in specific goals. Achieving a given goal often results in feelings of confidence in the worker while failure to achieve the goals may result in feelings of inadequacy leading to effort increment or change of strategy. In essence, this theory promotes the actualization of the latent potentials in individuals by s ubjecting them to challenges that expose their inner strengths and hidden capabilities. Humans, according to this theory will often adjust their levels of commitment and effort in line with the nature of challenges placed before them. Self-Determination theory of motivation relates to the psychological impetus in human beings to seek ways

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Hunting Trip Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Hunting Trip - Essay Example According to the study unlike him, Kelvin had no reservations about exciting the bear, before he could tell him to calm down so as not to draw the animal’s attention, he was bounding past him into the forest and the bear could not have been more exited as it burst through the undergrowth looking way bigger and meaner than it had when it was half hidden. "I followed Kelvin, who was by now running at full tilt and screaming his head off, I had heard that the best way to survive an animal attack was to have friend who wasn’t as fast as you were. If that was true, Kelvin had nothing to fear since I was naturally slower than him, I could hear the bear grunting a several feet behind me but I could have sworn it was inches. I slipped and fell and for a fraction of the scariest second of my life, I was sure the bear would catch up and rip me into shreds; however I sprang up almost as fast as I had fallen and kept running. Spurred by fear, I accelerated and the race was on, for the bear it was about lunch but for us it was our lives we were running for, at that moment I was so scared that I was sweating through every pore on my skin and something in my mind was telling me this was the end. Nevertheless, I felt (or thought I felt) adrenaline coursing through my veins and I run harder than ever before. I kept running into low hanging branches that my friend had brushed aside in his haste and some of them smacked me right in the face as they swung back after he had pushed them away. I was however too scared to feel the pain, many tore into my face living deep scratches which I only noticed much later. This was not how I had planned my day; I had been persuaded by my friends, Kelvin and Fred to join them in a hunting â€Å"expedition† they made it sound like we would be reliving Mungo Park’s exploration into Africa although I knew at best we would scare a few rabbits. Still, against my better judgment I acquiesced and we agreed to meet at Kelvin' s place on Saturday at 7 Am. I borrowed an on old hunting rifle which my dad swore could take out an elephant from 200 yards, from experience, it was unstable and the scope was faulty such that the easiest way to guarantee you do not shoot something would be to aim at it. When I got to the rendezvous, I found Kelvin, Fred and another guy called Alex who was introduced to me as Fred’s cousin, we set off for the reservation with high hopes of bagging a few rabbits by lunch time. Two hours later, the only significant thing that had happened was that all or phones lost their signals and we had to navigate using Kelvins rusty compass."  

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Rhetorical Analysis Paper - Essay Example To conspire is coming together in a secret agreement in order to perform unlawful actions as a means of accomplishing lawful ends. Many scholars opt to use term conspiracy theory as a means of finding the secrets in either military, political deeds or banking industry that are aimed at taking away either power or freedom from citizens (Elinoff par 2-4). Many scholars have reasons why conspiracies are planned in society. According to them, conspiracies are a way of explaining power relations in social groups found in societies. Also, they are to bring to light the evil forces that are perceived to exist within these societies. Conspiracy theories touch on the obscurity found in much official documentation. They accompany most remarkable events, whether social or political. Theories give people a chance to pour out their feelings towards a given puzzled situation. Similarly, they allow people to speak out on what they believe is the real explanation of the unknown situation, thereby letting their powerless nature be known to many. This helps in avoiding instances of uncertainty thus people are able to create sense out of a given situation. On the other hand, conspiracy theories pin down the existence of noteworthy topics like the way science works (Jolley par n.d). This in return may lead to harmful repercussions to the entire public. People choose to believe in the conspiracy theories for one main reason; they feel that whatever is being given to them is only a fallacy. Most of the known conspiracies are created as a way of relieving tension in a given issue. In addition, they are created in order to hide some unclean mess within the involved group. In return, people tend to believe in them sometimes leading to the cropping up of many more theories on the same issue. Most of these theories are skeptical in their explanations since skeptics are crucial in attaining certain

Monday, August 26, 2019

Proceedings on the Impeachment of Richard Nixon Essay

Proceedings on the Impeachment of Richard Nixon - Essay Example tions to be considered in this study would be, Can the situation presented in the opening statement be considered as rhetoric with reference to the concept presented by Bitzer in his theory of rhetorical situation? Do the assumptions of the Neo-Aristotelian Criticism define the opening statement as rhetoric? On which grounds does it criticize the opening statement when illustrating it as a rhetoric situation? Thesis Statement The essay to the conducted henceforth intends to present a critical overview of a literature, i.e. the opening statement of Barbara Jordan presented to the House Judiciary committee in response to the impeachment related proceedings executed against the then President Mr. Richard Nixon. With this concern, the essay would attempt to utilize the assumptions presented by Bitzer in relation to the concept of rhetoric situation. Another theory that would be taken into account is the Neo-Aristotelian Criticism which shall assist in scientifically analyzing the opening statement. Justification of the Study Based on two of the most prominent theories, i.e. Bitzer’s rhetorical situation and the Neo-Aristotelian Criticism, the essay shall provide a comprehensive account of the literature selected as the opening statement of Barbara Jordan. With this concern, the study shall elaborate on the then political scenario with the intention to learn the background, influenced by which, the opening statement was framed. Preview of the Topic During the impeachment of Richard Nixon, Congresswoman Barbara Jordan gave an opening statement in the House of Judiciary Committee in order to criticize the proceedings taken by the ministry concerning the conspiracy related with the Watergate Scandal. Barbara Jordan, through her speech, intended to criticize the impeachment... The essay to the conducted henceforth intends to present a critical overview of a literature, i.e. the opening statement of Barbara Jordan presented to the House Judiciary committee in response to the impeachment related proceedings executed against the then President Mr. Richard Nixon. With this concern, the essay would attempt to utilize the assumptions presented by Bitzer in relation to the concept of rhetoric situation. Another theory that would be taken into account is the Neo-Aristotelian Criticism which shall assist in scientifically analyzing the opening statement. Based on two of the most prominent theories, i.e. Bitzer’s rhetorical situation and the Neo-Aristotelian Criticism, the essay shall provide a comprehensive account of the literature selected as the opening statement of Barbara Jordan. With this concern, the study shall elaborate on the then political scenario with the intention to learn the background, influenced by which, the opening statement was framed. D uring the impeachment of Richard Nixon, Congresswoman Barbara Jordan gave an opening statement in the House of Judiciary Committee in order to criticize the proceedings taken by the ministry concerning the conspiracy related with the Watergate Scandal. Barbara Jordan, through her speech, intended to criticize the impeachment articles put forward during the investigation of Watergate conspiracy which was further observed to be misinterpreted as a verbal (written) declaration agreeing with the president’s removal.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Flexible deterrent option Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Flexible deterrent option - Essay Example FDO is therefore a more collective and integrated approach than other military actions. In this essay therefore, an existing flexible deterrent option is scrutinized by use of initial force analysis to understudy how the FDO increases defense support to the key determinants of FDO mentioned above. The emphasis of deterrence is a Task Force to deter Ahurastani aggression from aggravating. Initial Force Analysis for a Flexible Deterrent Option Capabilities needed to accomplish the specified key tasks For the flexible deterrent option to be successfully executed, there are key capabilities that must be accomplished for each key specific task. An important aspect of the flexible deterrent option is that even though the flexible deterrent option (FDO) has an aim of securing Nakhchivan airfield to facilitate force and sustainment flow into the entire Nakhchivan region, this aim would be seen as a collective goal that cannot be achieved by performing only one task. Once this happens, the FD O becomes an event rather than a process. The aim can therefore be broken down into specific objectives, which are each backed by a specific key task. The collective achievement of the tasks then represents the achievement of the aim3. ... These are sustainable competence, guidance, energy and materials (engagement), combat readiness, information acquisition and processing, environment (knowledge), systems and modeling (maneuver), and force structure. Because of the interrelated nature of the mission of the FDO, these capabilities will be treated as related components of the mission rather than individual capabilities that apportioned forces must exhibit. Resources in apportioned forces There are three major apportioned forces, which are army, air force and navy. Among each of these forces, it is expected that all six capabilities identified above will be exhibited. But in order to make this possible, it is expected that certain resources that enhance the development of the capabilities will be in place. This is particularly necessary as the capabilities cannot be acquired or learned on an independent basis in the absent of resources. Currently, within the army, it is noted that there is an existence of huge problems w ith training, equipping and motivation for soldiers. Meanwhile for capability such as sustainable competence to take place, it is important that soldiers receive training on a constant basis so that their competences can be guaranteed and sustained. The same argument about training is true if capabilities like engagement, combat readiness, knowledge and maneuver can all be acquired4. For the capability of knowledge, which deals with information acquisition and processing to take place, it is expected that the army will be well equipped in the delivery of its duties. A similar case can be made for force structure, sustainable competence and combat readiness, which are all capabilities that cannot be guaranteed in the absence of motivation for soldiers.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Moral and Ethical Principles in Public Policy Essay

Moral and Ethical Principles in Public Policy - Essay Example Public policy is what our individual representatives in Parliament choose to do, or not to do, about public problems that can have nationwide consequences. There are also public policy advocates that help bring public problems to the attention of Government on behalf of their clients and help Government made sound decisions or try to influence legislation in the favor of their client’s interests. Thus the actors or participants in public policy matters are primarily the Government functionaries, lobbyists and social pressure groups and other autonomous and semi-autonomous agencies. This paper will discuss the importance of public policy, actors in the policy macro-environment and their contributions, influences and value in shaping of public policy for a nation. The Importance of Public Policy A policy is a stated way of getting things done. It gives the procedures to effect a certain task in a given environment. It states rules and regulations under which business is to be co nducted or a course of action is to be pursued. Policies are guides to action. It may also happen that when a certain course of action has been adopted and is followed consistently by a number of people or groups with no adverse consequences noted for quite a while, that in time becomes public policy regarding that matter. Public policy is said to define a way of life for society, in terms of acceptable behavior and rules and norms that become codes of conduct in that particular culture. It reflects what society regards as important to uphold and preserve in its actions and codes of conduct in dealing with others as well as each other. Actors in the Public Policy Macro-Environment Politics, like diplomacy, is the art of the possible. It is the authority and power to do what is right, to follow the will of the mass of the people, in choosing our actions and their legislation. We are what we do, and the same is true of society, as its moral principles are enshrined in its code of cond uct and rules of law. Public policies reflect society’s most important matters and choices. There may also be a conflict of values, in which case a majority vote determines what is to be done or what receives priority over others. Actors in the public policy environment are the policy advocates, representatives at different levels of Government and in committees, commentators, lobbyists and others. At the highest level, it includes the President, the Governors of various States and members of the Legislature. At lower levels, it may involve school boards, the Mayor or the City Council. Of course, the type and number of actors involved in a particular public policy decision depend on its importance and reach- the number of people it is supposed to affect (Howlett, 1991). Do All the Actors Play Out the Roles They are Given Effectively? There has been considerable debate over whether the present procedures for enactment and consideration of public policy initiatives are sufficie nt to meet the purpose for which they were designed. Many a time it has been felt that we are proceeding at a snail’s pace when an important decision needs to be made.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Revision of Responding to Pop Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Revision of Responding to Pop Culture - Essay Example Perhaps this twist in â€Å"Chuck† made the TV series a standout from the other series of similar genre because it reached Season 5 which is quite unusual for a spy genre. There is nothing heavy in its dialogue which an average Joe will not understand which explains why the Chuck flick became a hit with the general audience. Agent Walker, Chuck’s love interest also kept the audience glued to their screen as their romance unfolds in the secretive world of espionage. Just do not delve too much on how logical the circumstances of the Chuck series are because you will just be disappointed. The main entertainment factor of this flick is not the soundness of its logic just like CSI series. Chuck only intends to amuse its audience so it did put much emphasis on the logical sequencing of the film. Given this, do not wonder how could have it been possible to build a CIA headquarter beneath Nerd Herd without being notice because it is one of the givens that the film does not intend to explain. This disconnect however does not seem to be an issue with the audience evident with its high ratings and subsequent episodes. The flick only intends to entertain by bringing down the spy culture to the understanding of the masses. It appeals to our subliminal desires of living an action packed and adventurous life such that of a spy by removing the idea that this job is unattainable given the requirements imposed by other spy genre. In Chuck’s world, as long as you are in the right place and in the right time, you could be the â€Å"Intersect† who is the most valuable asset in the espionage world with a bonus of having girl that is way out of your league. If this TV series will be translated into a game just like other spy films, â€Å"Chuck† will prove to be interesting as those secrets imbedded in his brain can provide a wide assortment of possibilities of what the character can do in a lot of

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Synthetic Biology Essay Example for Free

Synthetic Biology Essay Synthetic Biology New era of programmable Acells Under supervision of Dr. Hanaa El Badawy By; Manar hesham fouad 70019 Ahmed Ibrahim agami 60015 Yassmin Mohamed moatassim 70187 Ahmed osman Shymaa khaled Introduction As a result of the fast ,cheap DNA sequencing and synthesis with parallel developments in the field of bioinformatics, the emergence of a new discipline known as synthetic biology or synethesia has taken place, by the efforts of J. Craig Venter the genomics pioneer and his team, that is an innovative and highly promising blend of science and engineering aim either to improve understanding of biological systems, their complexity and the interaction of complex pathways, or to use the organisms as factories for obtaining specific products, that eventually can lead to the next industrial revolution. It is hard to provide an accurate definition of a new emerging scientific discipline like synthetic biology, it can be changed over time as awareness increases.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of youth justice policies in England and Wales since 1997 Essay Example for Free

Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of youth justice policies in England and Wales since 1997 Essay Introduction When Labour took office in 1997 they claimed that they would be tough on crime and the causes of crime. The first 6 months were unprecedented, with six consultation documents being released on youth and crime each containing its own proposals these were first published in Tackling Youth Crime, Reforming Youth Justice (Labour 1996). To start this essay I will first discuss Labours 1997 White Paper, No more excuses: A new approach to tackling youth crime in England and Wales, where policy was laid out and then later legislated in The Crime and Disorder Act 1998. From this I will evaluate the weaknesses and strengths of the various elements of this policy which will include the aims of the youth justice system. Then in the second part move to evaluate the abolition of the doli incapax, the reparation order and parenting order. Thirdly I will evaluate the child safety order, local child curfew, final warning scheme, action plan order. The fourth part will be an evaluation of the detention and training order and new arrangements for secure remands of 12-16 year olds. And finally the establishment of the Youth Justice Board for England and Wales, Youth Offending Teams and the duties of the local authorities and other agencies to make sure the availability of the appropriate youth justice services. And then finally bring all my findings together to produce a clear and comprehensive conclusion; which I believe has many strengths and some weaknesses. The Labour governments 1997 White paper, No more excuses: A new approach to tackling youth crime in England and Wales is a document which sets out labours programme of reform for the youth justice system in England and Wales, it aims are a clear strategy to prevent offending and re-offending, that offenders, and their parents, face up to their offending behaviour and take responsibility for it, earlier, more effective intervention when young people first offend, faster, more efficient procedures from arrest to sentence, partnership between all youth justice agencies to deliver a better, faster system Home Office (1997). According to the Home Office (1997) the aim of the youth justice system is to prevent offending by young people. And the Crime and Disorder Bill has in it a requirement that it is the duty of all people working in the youth justice system to uphold these. The requirement covers all the youth justice agencies in England and Wales like the police, social services the probation services and others working in the Youth Offending Teams, the Crown prosecution service, defence solicitors, the prison services and courts and the way they deal with young adults. The claim is that this will provide unity between them all and that everyone is striving for the same purpose. The government will also complement this with a new proposal for a new Youth Justice Board for England and Wales who will give advice on how to set standards and how to monitor performance. Also this will not take over or supersede practitioners previous roles, but will support them to understand their actions and choices when they deal with young people this can help to stop offending and can prevent avoidable delays; such as the chances of offending when awaiting sentence can be reduced, also making young people responsible for their own behaviours which can help youths understand and change their behaviours. Also community and custodial penalties whose priorities are on the causes of offending which can be enforced can help. This duty that has been stated is a clear strength bringing the various agencies and services in the same line and having one clear aim of what the task ahead is this also eliminates any confusion that might have existed. The government according to the Home Office (1997) proposes that an aim of youth justice system and the duty discussed previously and their practitioners would be supported by more complete, non statutory objectives for these agencies. These would support the proposals made by Jack Straws Youth Justice Task Force which is a variety of people and groups that have a high knowledge of the system and have now issues of victims and representatives of the governmental departments. The Task Force stated their recommendations for preventing offending which were, a speedy administration of justice so that the accused matter can be sorted out quickly, confronting offenders with the consequences of their actions, for themselves their families, victims and their communities. Punishment which reflects the seriousness and the persistence of the offending. Also to support reparation to victims by the offenders and to strengthen the responsibilities of parents and to help offenders to fix their problems and to build a sense of the personal self. This is also strength as all involved have a good knowledge of the problems and the system and would be a good resource to the system to have. And also what the Task Force has recommended is also a good step forward as it is these that have stopped the system from being efficient. Moving onto the abolition of the doli incapax the reparation order and parenting order. The doli incapax according to Muncie (2009:275) In England and Wales, children fewer than 10 could not be found guilty of a criminal offence, and the law for many years believed that those under 14 were incapable of criminal intent. But during the 1990s the doli incapax, which had been in the law since the 14th century, was being challenged by both the right and the left. This was due to the Bulger case, the policy was put under review by the conservatives after the 1994 High Court ruling. Three years later it was abolished in the Crime and Disorder Act, the reasons given for this were so that they could convict young offenders who wreaked havoc on communities this was based on the fact that they believed that 10 and 13 year olds could capable of knowing between right and wrong. This was against what the UN had recommended for The UK which they had made in 1995 then 2002 to come in line with the rest of Europe but the government went totally in the other direction. They gave no direction to the courts and to the youth offending teams that overall child welfare is the main consideration. This is a weakness as it contradicts what Labour had said in there White Paper, and the fact that the YOTs would be confused with conflicting policies. This legislation manages not to take the childs age into consideration and this can be seen just by looking at the rest of Europe are the children in the UK not the same. The reparation order is for young adults to understand the cost of their actions and to take responsibility for them. What is asked is that they repair the damage caused directly to the victim through mediation if they both agree or to the community indirectly cleaning up graffiti and other tasks around the community. This would be managed by the YOT, this can be a real strength in the rehabilitation process giving something back to the victims and the community and being able to see the damage they have caused helping to change their lives around. Also the parenting order which has been stated by the Home Office (1997) to be created so that it can give support to parents so they can control their children. The order requires parents attend a counselling or guidance session once a week for 3 months and if the courts think that it is needed then a requirement to make sure that children attend school and to see that they get home on a certain time. This is also a strength as it forces parents to be responsible as some parents let their children do what they want to and so this is a good way of making parents act so that they can help their children from offending. Now moving onto the child safety order, which according to the Home Office (1997) has been developed to safeguard children who are under ten where there is risk that these children will be involved in crime or signs of anti social behaviour can be seen. This could be available to local authorities in the family proceeding court. A court would be able to make a child stay at home at a certain time or ban them from going to certain places. They could also stop certain behaviours like truanting; this could also be combined with a parenting order. And if these are not obeyed then the local authority can start proceedings. The strength of this is a the combination of the two orders as it can be most effective this way by handing responsibility 2 both parent and child giving maximum results. Then there is the Local child curfew which is for the Childs own good and to stop neighbourhood crime and disorder and states that children should not be out without supervision at night. This can be used by the local authorities and police but they would have to get permission from the Home secretary. Also the council could then bar children under 10 from certain public places after certain times. These can last for up to 90 days and if these are to be extended then police and local community. The strength of this is that it involves the local community so determining whats best for the members of their own community. Then there is the final warning where the Home Office (1997) has replaced the cautioning with a statuary police reprimand, what happens is that the police can decide to reprimand a child and give them a final warning or to bring criminal charges to the offender. What then happens is a community intervention programme is forced which makes the offender and his family address the causes this behaviour which can help solve the problem. What the final warning entails is that the first offence the offender can receive a reprimand by the police if the crime is not that serious and if it carries on then a another final warning or criminal charges can be pressed. But on no grounds must 2 final warnings be given. The strength of this is that it lets the offender know that they will be strict and will not put up with it again a final warning is a final warning. Also an action plan order which is like a community penalty for young offenders, this is a small, rigorous programme where community intervention is used combined with punishment and rehabilitation so that the offenders behaviour can be changed and more crime can be stopped. The strength in this lies in the way that it uses various methods simultaneously like community intervention, punishment and rehabilitation which can only increase the chances of success. Moving onto and new arrangements for secure remands of 12-16 year olds. The Home office (1997) state that the government should have undeniable powers to remand to secure accommodation. For young people who are of the age 10-16 and are awaiting trial. And so The Criminal Justice Act 1991 and the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 included in its provisions to amend the Children and Young Persons Act 1969 which was to allow courts to remand 12-16 years olds directly to secure local authority accommodation with certain conditions. But this was not put into operation. The conservatives had started a building programme which was for 170 new local authority secure places, there completion date was 1998. But Labour said that these would be not enough. And so declared to use the Crime and Disorder Bill to implement court ordered remand power on some groups of youths. Priority would be gives to 12-14s then girls of the age 15 and 16 and also boys of that age when places become available. This is due to courts believing that these children are vulnerable and they are emotionally and physically immature and so there is a danger that they could harm themselves, this is also strength as it recognises that they are still young but this also does contradict other policies in this White Paper which it does on many levels. Also detention and training orders, these will give powers the Home Office (1997) states can be used for 10-17 year olds and courts can use these only if it is a very serious crime and if they are persistent offenders and the court believes it is needed to protect the public. This will also added to 10-11 year olds but would only be permitted by parliament if seen to be needed. The length of the sentence will be divided, half of it will be in custody and half in community supervision and this also could be adjusted if good behaviour is seen. This is a good as it does not just impose a detention where by this can harden the youth and in some cases lead to further crimes but with the community supervision would let the offender know that they have been given a chance to mend their ways. Then Maguire, Morgan and Reiner (2002:560) discuss Labours new youth justice which is the forming of the Youth Justice Board (YJB) and the Youth offending Teams (YOTs); and also what takes place through this legislation is a restructure of non custodial penalties in the youth court. So considering Labours main aim of having a youth justice system which prevents offending by children and young adults, the way labour went about this is to impose order from the centre. There tools to enable this was a catalogue of legislations, also the then Home secretary Jack Straw formed a youth justice task force the aim of this was to keep a tight link with all the other agencies involved with young offenders. Due to the section 41 of the Crime Disorder Act the YJB had turned into a non departmental public body which was then sponsored by the Home Office. The job of the YJB was to monitor the running of the youth justice system and the provision of the youth justice services and also the national standards and establishing the right performance measures. What also the 1998 Act made possible was for the home secretary to give the board more powers which included the YJB becoming the commissioning body of all the placements that are under 18 in a secure facility on remand or have a sentence from the courts. The YJB was also given control over commissioning places including prison services YOTs, secure training centres (STCs) and local authority secure units. This is also strength as it brings together all the agencies under one roof you could say and so the aims are understood by all and are the same this can only help. This brings me to managerialism, the reason the YJB and the YOTs were set up in the first place was because according to Muncie (2009:297) investigations from the Public Accounts Committee, Audit commission and the National Audit Office recommended and supported subjugating professional skills independent managerial ideals of what works, which could attach certain resources to credible and successful outcomes and which could initiate responsibility to law and order from a central state to a sequence of semi independent local partnerships which will include privatized bodies and voluntary agencies. Words such as individual need, rehabilitation, reformation, penal purpose and due process are replaced by techniques of classification and actuarialism, risk assessment and resource management changes all the earlier understanding of law and order from understanding motivations of crime to making crime bearable through universal coordination. This is a total difference from earlier ways and managerial system is thought to lower the standard or expectations of what a government can achieve in the youth justice system. This to me is a weakness as it is being run like a business which always has its priorities in cost and reduction, but also I can see strengths to as it can be more efficiently run with professionals running it with the right knowledge. The Act also contained anti social behaviour orders. Muncie (2009:317) explains that they are usually refer to a variety of things such as youths that hang out causing trouble making a nuisance of them and to their neighbours, making noise, vandalising property, littering, and causing graffiti to public property and drunkenness. This has been a priority in England and Wales, the key to New Labour was to strengthen the ability of the criminal justice system so they could treat disorder and the lack of respect but serious crimes too as it was clear that disorder was rising and was affecting neighbourhoods and also that it was a sign of times to come more serious crimes. The police and courts were said to be powerless against the nuisance and the anti social behaviour that was being caused and that this was being mixed in with impunity. Second at the centre was a program and wish not just to reduce crime and disorder, but to encourage a process of civil renewal and civic responsibility. Third the broken windows theory was taken aboard a it was believed that a failure to accept zero tolerance policing of lesser serious offending and signs of disorder could only further destroy already deprived and marginalized communities. The Anti social behaviour order (ASBO) was the flagship of New Labour in their 1998 Crime and Disorder Act. Muncie (2009:318) explains that this is a civil not a criminal order and can be given by the police and local authority to anyone that is over 10 years of age whose behaviour can cause alarm, distress or even harassment. The minimum time an order can last is two years. But if you breach the order it will be treated as a criminal offence and the punishment for this can be up to two years in prison for juveniles and five years for adults. Certain local authorities went even further and started to experiment with Acceptable Behaviour Contracts (ABCs) which were for even lower levels of behaviours and for lower ages those below for ten years of age. And if they are given an order then they must agree and to take steps to correct their behaviour, the steps will be decided by local youth offending team (YOT) and their parents must also agree on the steps. Initially when the ASBO was introduced it was said that it was for adults that were nuisances to their neighbours, but this statement was later changed and became for young people and areas that high crime rates became the targets of this order. The Home office review, 58% were made on under 18 year olds and a further 16% on those aged between 18 and 21. There are certain steps in this that are positive but to me there are inherent weaknesses to, like to give anti social behaviour order and lock youths in their houses and stop them from going into certain locations can work but does not address the real problem, and Labour could try and find the cause of these problems as this to me is just breeding further adult criminals and as we have seen lately getting an ASBO is something t o show off so demoralising it entirely. So to conclude I have found that Labour have a lot of strengths in their Youth Policy but have inherent weaknesses which stem from various contradictions in the policy. The strength that I have found are first of all is the duty that has been put into the legislation, which brings various agencies and services together, which unifies them and sets a main agenda that all must adhere to as it is in the legislation to follow the duty and eliminates any confusion that might have existed, and another strength is to support these by the task force which comprises of professionals and people in the field that can offer the best advice. Also the reparation order is a strength as it forces parents to be responsible as some parents let their children do what they want to and so this is a good way of making parents act so that they can help their children from offending and make them responsible. Then the child safety order, the strength of this is a the combination of the two orders as it can be most effective this way by handing responsibility 2 both parent and child giving maximum results. Then the local child curfews strength lies in the way it involves the local community so determining whats best for the members of their own community. Then there is the final warning where the strength in this lies in the way that it uses various methods simultaneously like community intervention, punishment and rehabilitation which can only increase the chances of success. Which brings me to secure remands of 12-16 year olds which is also a strength as it recognises that they are still young but this also does contradict other policies in this White Paper which it does on many levels, the detention training programme has strength because it does not just impose a detention where by this can harden the youth and in some cases lead to a life of crime but with the community supervision would let the offender know that they have been given a chance to mend their ways. The forming of the YOTs and YJB is strength as it brings together all the agencies under one roof you could say, and so the aims are understood by all and are the same this can only help, and managerialism is strength as it can be more efficiently run with professionals in charge. Now I will just conclude my findings of the weaknesses which are; the abolition of the doli incapax to me is a weakness as it manages not to take the childs age into consideration and this can be seen just by looking at the rest of Europe, are the children in the UK not the same. Another weakness is the ASBO to lock youths in their houses and stop them from going into certain locations can work but does not address the real problem, and Labour could try and find the cause of these problems as this to me is just breeding further adult criminals and as we have seen lately getting an ASBO is something to be proud off and to show off so demoralising the order entirely. There are strengths and weaknesses in this policy but I have found the strengths outweigh the weaknesses. Bibliography Home Office, (1997), White Paper, No More Excuses: A new approach to tackling youth crime in England and Wales Muncie, J. (2009), Youth and Crime, 3rd edition, London, Sage publications Maguire, M. Morgan, R and Reiner, R. (2002), The Oxford Handbook of Criminology, 3rd Edition, Oxford, Oxford University Press. Goldson, B. Muncie, J. (2006), Youth Crime and Justice, London, Sage Publications Baldock, J. Manning, N. and Vickerstaff, S. (2007), Social Policy, 3rd edition, Oxford, Oxford University Press.